Spine Research Publications



Spine Publications 2011-2013
Civilian gunshot injuries of the spinal cord: a systematic review of the current literature. Sidhu GS, Ghag A, Prokuski V, Vaccaro AR, Radcliff KE. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2013 Mar 12. Epub ahead of print.
Preoperative delay greater than one hour increases the risk of surgical site infection. Radcliff KE, Rasouli MR, Neusner A, Kepler CK, Albert TJ, Rihn JA, Hilibrand AS, Vaccaro AR. Spine (Phila. PA 1976). 2013 Mar 1. Epub ahead of print.
What is the incidence of dysphagia after posterior cervical surgery. Radcliff KE, Koynos L, Clyde C, Sidhu GS, Fickes M, Hilibrand AS, Albert TJ, Vaccaro AR, Rihn JA. Spine (Phila PA 1976). 2013 Mar 1. Epub ahead of print.
Conservative and operative treatment in extension teardrop fracture of the axis. Hu Y, Kepler CK, Albert TJ, Hann S, Ma WH, Yuan ZS, Dong WX, Xu RM. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Technology. 2013 Feb 19. Epub ahead of print.
The expression and relationship of pro-inflammatory chemokine RANTES/CCL5 and cytokine IL-1β in painful human intervertebral discs. Kepler CK, Markova DZ, Dibra F, Yadla S, Vaccaro AR, Risbud M, Albert TJ, Anderson DG. The Spine (Phila. Pa 1976). 2013 Jan 15. Epub ahead of print.
The influence of obesity on the outcome of treatment of lumbar disc herniation: analysis of the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT). Rihn JA, Kurd M, Hilibrand AS, Lurie J, Zhao W, Albert T, Weinstein J. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume. 2013 Jan;95(1):1-8.
Comparison of open and minimally invasive techniques for posterior lumbar instrumentation and fusion after open anterior lumbar interbody fusion. Kepler CK, Yu AL, Gruskay JA, Delasotta LA, Radcliff KE, Rihn JA, Hilibrand AS, Anderson DG, Vaccaro AR. The Spine Journal. 2012 Dec 4. Epub ahead of print.
Spinal tuberculosis: diagnosis and management. Rasouli MR, Mirkoohi M, Vaccaro AR, Tarandi KK, Rahimi-Movaghar V. Asian Spine Journal 2012 Dec;6(4):294-308.
Complications of flat bedrest following incidental dural repair. Radcliff KE, Sidhu GD, Kepler CK, Gruskay J, Anderson DG, Hilibrand A, Albert TJ, Vaccaro AR. The Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques. 2012 Nov 27. Epub ahead of print.
Does Obesity Affect Outcomes of Treatment for Lumbar Stenosis and Degenerative Spondylolisthesis? Analysis of the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT). Rihn JA, Radcliff K, Hilibrand AS, Anderson DT, Zhao W, Lurie J, Vaccaro AR, Freedman MK, Albert TJ, Weinstein JN. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Nov 1;37(23):1933-46.
Antidepressants and the risk of abnormal bleeding during spinal surgery: a case-control study. Sayadipour AM Mago R, Kepler CK, Chambliss RB, Certa KM, Vaccaro AR, Albert TJ, Anderson DG. European Spine Journal. 2012 Oct;21(10):2070-8.
Cost-utility analysis in spine care: a systematic review. Kepler CK, Wilkinson SM, Radcliff KE, Vaccaro AR, Anderson DG, Hilibrand AS, Albert TJ, Rihn JA. The Spine Journal. 2012 Aug;12(8):676-90.
Dysphagia and soft-tissue swelling after anterior cervical surgery: a radiographic analysis. Kepler CK, Rihn JA, Bennett JD, Anderson DG, Vaccaro AR, Albert TJ, Hilibrand AS. The Spine Journal. 2012 Aug;12(8):639-44.
Traumatic central cord syndrome: neurologic recovery after surgical management. Anderson DG, Sayadipour A, Limthongkul W, Martin ND, Vaccaro A, Harrop JS. American Journal of Orthopedics. 2012 Aug;41(8):E104-8.
Evidence-based recommendations for spine surgery. Vaccaro AR, Fisher CG, Angevine PD, Patel AA, Mulpuri K, Thomas KC, Whang PG, Prasad SK. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Jul 1;37(15):E875-82.
Injuries and abnormalities of the cervical spine and return to play criteria. Kepler CK, Vaccaro AR. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 2012 Jul;31(3):499-508.
Anatomical relationships of the anterior blood vessels to the lower lumbar intervertebral discs: analysis based on magnetic resonance imaging of patients in the prone position. Vaccaro AR, Kepler CK, Rihn JA, Suzuki H, Ratliff JK, Harrop JS, Morrison WB, Limthongkul W, Albert TJ. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American volume. 2012 Jun 20;94(12):1088-94.
Cauda Equina Syndrome After a TLIF Resulting From Postoperative Expansion of a Hydrogel Dural Sealant. Neuman BJ, Radcliff K, Rihn. J. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2012 Jun;470(6):1640-5.
CT and MRI-based Diagnosis of Craniocervical Dislocations: The Role of the Occipitoatlantal Ligament. Radcliff K, Kepler C, Reitman C, Harrop J, Vaccaro A. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2012 Jun;470(6):1602-13.
Correlation of posterior ligamentous complex injury and neurological injury to loss of vertebral body height, kyphosis, and canal compromise. Radcliff K, Su BW, Kepler CK, Rubin T, Shimer AL, Rihn JA, Harrop JA, Albert TJ, Vaccaro AR. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Jun 1;37(13):1142-50.
Does the load-sharing classification predict ligamentous injury, neurological injury, and the need for surgery in patients with thoracolumbar burst fractures? Radcliff K, Kepler CK, Rubin TA, Maaieh M, Hilibrand AS, Harrop J, Rihn JA, Albert TJ, Vaccaro AR. Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine. 2012 Jun;16(6):534-8.
Is Surgical Case Order Associated with Increased Infection Rate After Spine Surgery? Gruskay J, Kepler C, Smith J, Radcliff K, Vaccaro A. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Jun 1;37(13):1170-4.
Odontoid Fractures With Neurologic Deficit Have Higher Mortality and Morbidity. Patel A, Smith HE, Radcliff K, Yadlapalli N, Vaccaro AR. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2012 Jun;470(6):1614-20.
Management of sexual disorders in spinal cord injured patients. Rahimi-Movaghar V, Vaccaro AR. Acta Medica Iranica. 2012 May;50(5):295-9.
Cervical Laminectomy Width and Spinal Cord Drift Are Risk Factors for Postoperative C5 Palsy. Radcliff KE, Limthongkul W, Kepler CK, Sidhu GD, Anderson DG, Rihn JA, Hilibrand AS, Vaccaro AR, Albert TJ. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techology. 2012 Mar 20. Epub ahead of print.
Surgery for Failed Cervical Spine Reconstruction. Helgeson MD, Albert TJ. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Mar 1;37(5):E323-7.
Contributing factors to surgical site infections. Harrop JS, Styliaras JC, Ooi YC, Radcliff KE, Vaccaro AR, Wu C. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2012 Feb;20(2):94-101.
A radiographic analysis of degenerative spondylolisthesis at the L4-5 level. Anderson DG, Limthongkul W, Sayadipour A, Kepler CK, Harrop JS, Maltenfort M, Vaccaro AR, Hilibrand A, Rihn JA, Albert TJ. The Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine. 2012 Feb;16(2):130-4.
Restoration of lordosis and disk height after single-level transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. Kepler CK, Rihn JA, Radcliff KE, Patel AA, Anderson DG, Vaccaro AR, Hilibrand AS, Albert TJ. Orthopaedic Surgery. 2012 Feb;4(1):15-20.
Management of cervical spine trauma: can a prognostic classification of injury determine clinical outcomes? Helgeson MD, Gendelberg D, Sidhu GS, Anderson DG, Vaccaro AR. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America. 2012 Jan;43(1):89-96.
Revision cervical spine surgery. Rihn JA, Harrod C, Albert TJ. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America. 2012 Jan;43(1):123-36.
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