Orthopedic Essentials: Addressing Commons Concerns

Ruth's Chris Steakhouse
Thursday, October 10th, 2024
06:00 pm - 08:30 pm
Join Rothman Orthopaedics physicians for a night of learning and networking with presentations on orthopedic essentials.
6:00 pm - Registration & Cocktails
6:30 pm - Dinner & Presentations
- Moderator: Dr. Arjun Saxena, Hip & Knee Surgeon
- "Lumbar Spinal Stenosis" with Jose Canseco, MD, PhD, Spine Surgeon
- "The Athletic Hip: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Technology" with Josh Hornstein, MD, Sports Medicine Surgeon
- "Ankle Arthritis from Regenerative Medicine to Ankle Replacement" with Selene Parekh, MD, MBA, Foot & Ankle Surgeon
- “Understanding Carpal and Cubital Tunnel Syndromes” with Madeline Tadley, MD, Hand & Wrist Surgeon
RSVP Deadline is October 4th at 11:59 pm. For questions, please contact Melanie Iannace at 609-437-7610
2 Village Blvd, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA