orthopedic neurosurgeon in lake mary, florida

Daniel R. Fassett, MD, MBA


Dr. Fassett is a board-certified orthopaedic neurosurgeon that specializes in the treatment of spinal disorders including degenerative conditions, spinal tumors, and spinal deformity.  Dr. Fassett completed neurosurgical residency training at the University of Utah in 2006.  After residency, Dr. Fassett gained further experience in spinal trauma at the internationally recognized trauma center, Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik, in Murnau, Germany and completed a combined orthopaedic and neurosurgery spine fellowship at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA.  

After training, Dr. Fassett worked for fifteen years at the University of Illinois College of Medicine where he served as Department Head, Director of Spinal Surgery, and Fellowship Director for Spinal Surgery.    He has trained 15 fellows in spinal surgery including international fellows from India, Brazil, and Syria.  Dr. Fassett has published over 50 articles in professional journals, written countless book chapters, and has given numerous international presentations on spinal surgery.  

Outside of work, Dr. Fassett enjoys watersports, fishing, and the general outdoors. 

El Dr. Fassett es un neurocirujano ortopédico certificado por la junta que se especializa en el tratamiento de trastornos de la columna, incluidas afecciones degenerativas, tumores de la columna y deformidades de la columna. El Dr. Fassett completó la capacitación de residencia en neurocirugía en la Universidad de Utah en 2006. Después de la residencia, el Dr. Fassett adquirió más experiencia en trauma espinal en el centro de trauma reconocido internacionalmente, Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik, en Murnau, Alemania, y completó una beca combinada de ortopedia y neurocirugía de la columna vertebral. en la Universidad Thomas Jefferson en Filadelfia, PA.

Después de la capacitación, el Dr. Fassett trabajó durante quince años en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Illinois, donde se desempeñó como Jefe de Departamento, Director de Cirugía de la Columna Vertebral y Director de Becas para Cirugía de la Columna Vertebral. Ha capacitado a 15 becarios en cirugía de columna, incluidos becarios internacionales de India, Brasil y Siria. El Dr. Fassett ha publicado más de 50 artículos en revistas profesionales, ha escrito innumerables capítulos de libros y ha realizado numerosas presentaciones internacionales sobre cirugía de columna.

Fuera del trabajo, el Dr. Fassett disfruta de los deportes acuáticos, la pesca y el aire libre en general.

Professional Profile

Titles & Certifications
Professional Associations


  • M.D., Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia
  • Internship, General Surgery, University of Utah Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Residency, Neurosurgery, University of Utah Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Fellowship, Combined Orthopaedic and Neurosurgical Spine, Rothman Orthopaedics at Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA

Titles & Certifications

  • Board Certified, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

Professional Associations

  • American Association of Neurological Surgeons
  • Congress of Neurological Surgeons
  • North American Spine Society


  • M.D., Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia
  • Internship, General Surgery, University of Utah Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Residency, Neurosurgery, University of Utah Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Fellowship, Combined Orthopaedic and Neurosurgical Spine, Rothman Orthopaedics at Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA

Titles & Certifications

  • Board Certified, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

Professional Associations

  • American Association of Neurological Surgeons
  • Congress of Neurological Surgeons
  • North American Spine Society
  • December 17, 2024

    Rothman Orthopaedics Physicians Recognized as Orlando Magazine's 2024 Premier Doctors

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Journal Publications:    

1.    Fassett DR, Schmidt MH: Lumbosacral ependymomas: a review of the management of intradural and extradural tumors. Neurosurg Focus. 15(5):1-5, 2003

2.    Fassett DR, Schmidt MH: Spinal epidural lipomatosis: a review of its causes and recommendations for treatment. Neurosurg Focus. 16(4):1-3, 2004

3.    Fassett  DR, Couldwell WT: Metastases to the pituitary gland. Neurosurg Focus. 16(4):1-4, 2004

4.    Fassett DR, Schloesser PE, Couldwell WT: Hemorrhage from moyamoya-like vessels associated with a cerebral arteriovenous malformation. Case report. J Neurosurg, 101(5):869-71, 2004

5.    Fassett DR, Pingree J, Kestle JRW: The high incidence of tumor dissemination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patients, Report of five cases and review of the literature, J Neurosurg Pediat, 102 (suppl 1):59-64, 2005

6.    Fassett DR, Dailey AT: Association of vertebral artery injury with cervical spine trauma, Neurosurg Clin N Am, August 2004

7.    Fassett DR, Brodke D: Antibiotics in the management of spinal postoperative wound infections, Semin Spine Surg, 16(3):174-181, 2004

8.    Fassett, DR, Apfelbaum RI, Clark R, Bachus KN, Brodke DS: Biomechanical analysis of a new concept: An add-on extension plate for adjacent-level anterior cervical fusion, Spine, 30(22):2523-2529, 2005

9.    Ragel, B, Fassett DR, Browd, S, Baringer, R, Dailey AT: Decompressive hemicraniectomy for tumefactive demyelination with transtentorial herniation: Observation. Surg Neurol. 65:582-3, 2006

10.    Fassett DR, Kan P, Chen S, Couldwell WT: Cholesteatoma of the clivus, Skull Base, 16(1): 45-47, 2006

11.    McCall TD, Fassett DR, Lyons G, Couldwell WT: Extensive inflammatory pseudotumor of bilateral cavernous sinuses and clivus: Case report and review of the literature, Neurosurg Rev, 29(3): 194-200, 2006

12.    Fassett, DR, Clark R, Brockmeyer, DL, Schmidt MH. Cervical spine deformity associated with spinal cord tumor resection, Neurosurg Focus, 20(2):E2, 2006

13.    Fassett DR, McCall TD, Brockmeyer DL: Odontoid synchondrosis fractures, Neurosurg Focus, 20(2): E7, 2006

14.    McCall T, Fassett DR, Brockmeyer DL: Subaxial Cervical spine trauma in children: A review, Neurosurg Focus, 20(2):E5, 2006

15.    Fassett DR, Politi R, Patel A, Brown Z, Vaccaro AR: Classification systems for acute thoracolumbar trauma, Curr Opin Orthop, 18(3):253-258, 2007

16.    Fassett DR, Csaszar DJ, Albert TJ: Anterior cervical plating update, Curr Opin Orthop, 18(3):282-288, 2007

17.    Finn M, Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: Surgical treatment of nonrheumatoid atlantoaxial degenerative arthritis producing pain and myelopathy, Spine 15:3067-3073 2007

18.    Fassett DR, Jeyamohan S, Harrop J: Asymptomatic cervical stenosis: To operate or not? Semin Spine Surg 19:47-50, 2007

19.    Fassett DR, Harrop JS, Maltenfort M, Jeyamohan SB, Ratliff JD, Anderson DG, Hilibrand AS, Albert TJ, Vaccaro AR, Sharan AD: Mortality of geriatric spinal cord injury, J Neurosurg Spine 7:277-281, 2007

20.    Dasari VR, Veeravalli KK, Saving KL, Gujrati M, Fassett DR, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Rao JS: Neuroprotection by cord blood stem cells against glutamate-induced apoptosis is mediated by Akt pathway. Neurobiol Dis 32:486-498, 2008

21.    Fassett DR. Harrop JS. Vaccaro AR. Evidence on magnetic resonance imaging of Brown-Sequard spinal cord injury suffered indirectly from a gunshot wound, J Neurosurg Spine, 8(3):286-7, 2008

22.    Fassett DR, Dailey AT, Vaccaro AR: Vertebral artery injuries associated with cervical spine injuries: A review of the literature, J Spinal Disord Tech, 21:252-258, 2008

23.    Sayama CM, Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: The utility of MRI in the evaluation of odontoid fractures, J Spinal Disord Tech 21:524-526, 2008

24.    Fassett DR, Apfelaum RI, Hippe JA: Comparison of fusion assessment techniques: computer-assisted versus manual measurements, J Neurosurg Spine 8:544-547, 2008

25.    Finn MA, Fassett DR, McCall TD, Clark R, Dailey AT, Brodke DS: The cervical end of an occipitocervical fusion: a biomechanical evaluation of 3 constructs. Laboratory investigations, J Neurosurg Spine 9:296-300, 2008 [18928228]

26.    Fassett DR, Kurd MF, Vaccaro AR: Biologic solutions for degenerative disk disease, J Spinal Disord Tech, 22:297-308, 2009 [19494751]

27.    Hillard VH, Fassett DR, Finn MA, Apfelbaum RI: Use of allograft bone for posterior C1-2 fusion, J Neurosurg Spine  11:396-401, 2009. [19929334]

28.    Veeravalli KK, Dasari VR, Tsung AJ, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Fassett D, Rao JS: Stem cells downregulate the elevated levels of tissue plasminogen activator in rats after spinal cord injury, Neurochem Res 34:1183-1194, 2009

29.    Veeravalli KK, Dasari VR, Tsung AJ, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Fassett D, Rao JS:  Human umbilical cord blood stem cells upregulate matrix metalloproteinase-2 in rats after spinal cord injury, Neurobiol Dis 36:200-212, 2009

30.    Fassett DR, Rammos SK, Patel P, Parikh H, Couldwell WT: Intracranial subarachnoid hemorrhage resulting from cervical spine dural arteriovenous fistulas: literature review and case presentation, Neurosurg Focus 26:E4 , 2009 [19119890]

31.    Gondi CS, Veeravalli KK, Gorantla B, Dinh DH, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Gujrati M, Rao JS: Human umbilical cord blood stem cells show PDGF-D-dependent glioma cell tropism in vitro and in vivo, Neuro-Oncology  12:453-465, 2010

32.    Chetty C, Lakka SS, Bhoopathi P, Gondi GS, Veeravalli, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor and/or matrix metalloproteinase-9 inhibition induces apoptosis signaling through lipid rafts in glioblastoma xenograft cells, Mol Cancer Ther 9:2605-2617, 2010

33.    Gopinath S, Mella RR, Gondi CS, Alapati K, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS: Co-depletion of cathepsin B and uPAR induces G0/G1 arrest in glioma via FOXA3a mediated p27Kip1 upregulation, PloS One 5(7):e11668, 2010. [20661471]

34.    Veeravalli KK, Chetty C, Ponnala S, Gondi CS, Lakka SS, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS: MMP-9, uPAR and cathepsin B silencing downregulate integrins in human glioma xenograft cells in vitro and in vivo in nude mice, PLoS One Jul 15;5(7):311583, 2010 [20657647]

35.    Dasari VR, Kaur K, Velpula KK, Gujrati M, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Rao JS.  Upregulation of PTEN in glioma cells by cord blood mesenchymal stem cells inhibits migration via downregulation of the PI3K/Akt pathway, PLoS One, Apr 26;5(4):e10350, 2010. [20436671]

36.    Dasari VR, Velpula KK, Kaur K, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS. Cord blood stem cell-mediated induction of apoptosis in glioma downregulates X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP), PLoS One, Jul 28;5(7):e11813, 2010 [20676365]

37.    Chetty C, Lakka SS, Bhoopathi P, Gondi CS, Veeravalli KK, Fassett D, Klopfenstein, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor and/or matrix metalloproteinase-9 inhibition induces apoptosis signaling through lipid rafts in glioblastoma xenograft cells. Mol Cancer Ther 9:2605-2617, 2010. [20716639]

38.    Veeravalli KK, Dasari VR, Fassett D, Dinh DH, Rao JS: Human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells upregulate myelin basic protein in Shiverer mice. Stem Cells Dev  20:881-891, 2011 [20925478]

39.    Kotipatruni RR, Dasari VR, Veeravalli KK, Dinh DH, Fassett D, Rao JS: p53- and Bax-mediated apoptosis in injured rat spinal cord. Neurochem Res 36:2063-2074, 2011. [21748659]

40.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Minimum clinically important difference. Letter to Editor. J Neurosurg: Spine 15:690-691, author reply: 691, 2011 [21961999]

41.    Neils DM, Singanallur PS, Wang H, Tracy P, Klopfenstein J, Dinh D, Elwood PW, Fassett D, McCall T, Lin J, Tsung A: Recurrence-free chronic subdural hematomas: A retrospective analysis of the instillation of tissue plasminogen activator in addition to twist drill or burr hole drainage in the treatment of chronic subdural hematomas. World Neurosurg 78:145-149, 2012 [22120294]

42.    Vachhani JA, Fassett DR: Intramedullary neurenteric cyst associated with a tethered spinal cord: Case report and literature review. Surg Neurol Int doi: 10.4103/2152-7806.98525, 2012. [22937480]

43.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Letter to the Editor: Accessory articulation. J Neurosurg Spine 18(4):418-420, 2013. [PMID: 23394167]

44.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Low-profile pelvic fixation with sacral alar-iliac screws. Acta Neurochir 155(2):293-297, 2013. [PMID: 23180172]

45.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Combined S1-and S2 sacral alar-iliac screws as a salvage technique for pelvic fixation after pseudarthrosis and lumbosacropelvic instability. J Neurosurg Spine 19:321-330, 2013 [23808582]

46.    Salma A, Lin J, Fassett DR: Letters to the editor: Medulloblastoma and the inferior medullar velum. J Neurosurg 119(1):254-255, 2013.  [PMID: 23706050]

47.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Letter to the Editor. The O-arm revolution in spine surgery. J Neurosurg: Spine 19(5):644-647, 2013 [PMID: 24053374]

48.    Godil SS, McGirt MJ, Glassman SD, Knightly JJ, Mummaneni PV, Oetting G, Theodore N, Gottfried ON, Khairi S, Schmidt MH, Boakye M, Kalkanis SN, Rabin D, Ryken TC, Balturshot GW, Chadduck J, Fassett, et al: Defining the effectiveness of lumbar spine surgery in a nationwide prospective longitudinal quality of life registry: an analysis of variability in patient-reported outcomes and preliminary predictive models of treatment failure. Neurosurgery 61 Suppl 1: 194-195, 2014

49.    Mattei TA, Rehman AA, Issawi A, Fassett DR: Surgical challenges in the management of cervical kyphotic deformity in patients with severe osteoporosis: an illustrative case of a patient with Hajdu-Cheney syndrome. Eur Spine J 24(12): 2746-2753, 2015 [PMID: 26198704]

50.    MacMahon, P, Kahn, M, Klopfenstein, J, Fassett DR:  Sectioning of C2 nerve roots during C1-C2 fusion: report of aberrant vertebral artery during C2 nerve root sectioning. Illustrative case, Journal of Neurosurgery, in press

51.    Garst, J, Olson, E, Kahn, M, Fassett DR: Temporary Posterior C1-C2 Instrumentation without Fusion for Treatment of Displaced Atlantoaxial Fractures, World Neurosurgery, 2022


Book Chapters

1.    Fassett, DR , Dailey AT: Thoracolumbar Fractures., In: Principles of Neurosurgery, Second Edition, Ellebogen S, Renegachary S (Eds). McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, pp. 381-386, 2005

2.    Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: Posterior C1 and C2 Transarticular Screw Fixation. In: Spinal Instrumentation, Surgical Techniques, First Edition, Kim DH, Vaccaro AR, Fessler RG (Eds). Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 307-314, 2005

3.    Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: Microsurgical C1-2 Stabilization. In: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Mayer HM (Ed), Springer, New York, NY, Chapter 14, pp 118-126, 2005

4.    Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: Vocal Cord Paralysis, In: Spine Surgery Complications, First edition, An HS, Jenis LG (Eds), Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, Chapter 4, pp 23-29, 2005

5.    Fassett DR, Brodke DS: Infections of the Spine. In: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Spine 3. Third Edition, Spivak JM, Connolly PJ (Eds), published by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,  Rosemont, IL, Chapter 38, pp 367-376, 2006

6.    Fassett DR, Harrop J: Surgical Treatment of Spinal Injury. In: Imaging of Spinal Trauma. Flanders AE, Schwartz ED (Eds), Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 39-61, 2006

7.    Fassett DR, Brodke DS: Percutaneous Posterior Insertion of Thoracic Pedicle Screws. In: Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, 1st Edition. Vaccaro AR, Bono CM (Eds). Informa Healthcare, New York, NY, Chapter 21, pp. 203-210, 2007

8.    Fassett DR, Brodke DS: Percutaneous Lumbar Pedicle Screws. In: Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, 1st Edition, Vaccaro AR, Bono CM (Eds). Informa Healthcare, New York, NY, Chapter 24, pp. 229-236, 2007

9.    Fassett DR, Harrop K: Klippel-Feil Cervical Segmentation Anomalies. In: Cervical Spine Surgery.  Albert T, Lim M, Lee J (Eds), Theime Medical, New York, February 2008  

10.    Fassett DR, Brockmeyer DL, Apfelbaum RI: Odontoid Fractures in Children and Adults. In: Spine Trauma: Adult and Pediatric. Editors: Kim DH, Ludwig SC, Vaccaro AR, Chang JC (Eds), Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 196-208, 2008

11.    McCall, TD, Fassett DR, Brothers JG, Vaccaro AR: Surgical Complications Related to the Management of Traumatic Spinal Injuries of the Cervical Spine. In: Spine Trauma: Adult and Pediatric, Editors: Kim, Ludwig, Vaccaro, Elsevier Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 256-266, 2008

12.    Kerr SM, Fassett DR, Patel D, Vaccaro AR: Clinical Features of Herniated Nucleus Pulposus. In: Lumbar Intervertebral Disc. Phillips F, Lauryssen C (Eds), Theime Medical Publishers, New York, July 2009

13.    McCall T, Fassett D, Dailey A: Sacral screw fixation. In: Spine Trauma. Surgical Techniques. Patel VV, Burger E, Brown CW (eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 335-340, 2010

14.    McCall T, Fassett D, Parikh H, Vaccaro A: L1 fracture with paraplegia. Prove It! Evidence-Based Analysis of Common Spine Practice. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Case 12, pp. 114-125, 2010

15.    Fassett DR, Brodke DS: Cervical spine kinematics and the biomechanics of the injured cervical spine: cervicothoracic junction (C7-T1). In: Cervical Spine Trauma. Vaccaro, AR (ed). Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solutions, Philadelphia, PA,  Chapter 15, pp. 187-196, 2010

16.    Fassett D, Dailey AT: Anterior cervical instrumentation. Cervical Spine Trauma. Vaccaro, AR (ed). Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solutions, Philadelphia, PA,  Chapter 5C, pp. 73-75, 2010

17.    Tsung AJ, Fassett DR: Emerging rehabilitation strategies for spinal cord injury. In: Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma. Evidence-based Management. Vaccaro AR, Fehlings MG, Dvorak MF (eds), Chapter 54, Thieme, New York, pp. 527-533, 2011

18.    Dasari VR, Veeravalli KK, Rao JS, Fassett  D, Dinh DH: Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for apoptosis after spinal cord injury. In: Advanced Understanding of Neurodegenerative Diseases, (Chang R, Ed). ISBN: 978-953-307-529-7, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/mesenchymal-stem-cell-therapy-for-apoptosis-after-spinal-cord-injury. 2011

19.    Apfelbaum RI, Karanth S, Fassett DR: Posterior cervical laminoforaminotomy In: The Cervical Spine, 5th edition, Benzel EC (ed), Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. In press, September 2012.

20.    Fassett DR, Dailey AT: Anterior Craniocervical Instrumentation. In:Cervical Spine Trauma. 1st Edition, Vaccaro AR, Anderson P (Eds), In Press

21.    Finn M, Fassett, DR, Apfelbaum RI: Management of Odontoid Fractures. In: Atlas of Operative Techniques in Spinal Surgery. Vaccaro A (Ed), Elsevier, St. Louis, In Press

22.    Finn, MA, DR Fassett, AR Vaccaro: Clinical Outcomes Assessment, Nucleus Arthroplasty in Spinal Care, Editors: RJ Davis and FP Girardi, Raymedica LLC, In Press

23.    Finn, MA, J Bessey, DR Fassett: The Use of Luque Segmental Instrumentation in the Traumatically Injured Pediatric Spine In: Spine Trauma: Adult and Pediatric, Editors: Kim, Ludwig, Vaccaro, Elsevier Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, In Press

24.    Fassett DR, Jeyamohan SB, Vaccaro AR:  Advanced Spinal Anatomy for Cervical and Lumbar Non-fusion Surgery, Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine: Advanced Techniques and Controversies, Yue, Bertagnoli, McAfee, An (eds) Elsevier Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, In Press
25.    Apfelbaum RI, Karanth S, Fassett DR: Posterior cervical laminoforaminotomy In, The Cervical Spine, 5th edition, Benzel EC (ed), Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, In press, 2010

26.    Finn MA, Villar CF, Fassett DR: Odontoid screw fixation. In, Vaccaro AR (ed), Elsevier, In Press, 2016

27.    Karanth S, Fassett DR:  Intra-Operative computerized tomography guided instrumentation for deformity spine. In: (Vaccaro AR, Rothman RH, Albert TJ, eds).  Spine Surgery: Tricks of the Trade. Thieme: New York, pp. 272-274, 2016


Stories Related to Daniel R. Fassett, MD, MBA

Last Name *


Journal Publications:    

1.    Fassett DR, Schmidt MH: Lumbosacral ependymomas: a review of the management of intradural and extradural tumors. Neurosurg Focus. 15(5):1-5, 2003

2.    Fassett DR, Schmidt MH: Spinal epidural lipomatosis: a review of its causes and recommendations for treatment. Neurosurg Focus. 16(4):1-3, 2004

3.    Fassett  DR, Couldwell WT: Metastases to the pituitary gland. Neurosurg Focus. 16(4):1-4, 2004

4.    Fassett DR, Schloesser PE, Couldwell WT: Hemorrhage from moyamoya-like vessels associated with a cerebral arteriovenous malformation. Case report. J Neurosurg, 101(5):869-71, 2004

5.    Fassett DR, Pingree J, Kestle JRW: The high incidence of tumor dissemination in myxopapillary ependymoma in pediatric patients, Report of five cases and review of the literature, J Neurosurg Pediat, 102 (suppl 1):59-64, 2005

6.    Fassett DR, Dailey AT: Association of vertebral artery injury with cervical spine trauma, Neurosurg Clin N Am, August 2004

7.    Fassett DR, Brodke D: Antibiotics in the management of spinal postoperative wound infections, Semin Spine Surg, 16(3):174-181, 2004

8.    Fassett, DR, Apfelbaum RI, Clark R, Bachus KN, Brodke DS: Biomechanical analysis of a new concept: An add-on extension plate for adjacent-level anterior cervical fusion, Spine, 30(22):2523-2529, 2005

9.    Ragel, B, Fassett DR, Browd, S, Baringer, R, Dailey AT: Decompressive hemicraniectomy for tumefactive demyelination with transtentorial herniation: Observation. Surg Neurol. 65:582-3, 2006

10.    Fassett DR, Kan P, Chen S, Couldwell WT: Cholesteatoma of the clivus, Skull Base, 16(1): 45-47, 2006

11.    McCall TD, Fassett DR, Lyons G, Couldwell WT: Extensive inflammatory pseudotumor of bilateral cavernous sinuses and clivus: Case report and review of the literature, Neurosurg Rev, 29(3): 194-200, 2006

12.    Fassett, DR, Clark R, Brockmeyer, DL, Schmidt MH. Cervical spine deformity associated with spinal cord tumor resection, Neurosurg Focus, 20(2):E2, 2006

13.    Fassett DR, McCall TD, Brockmeyer DL: Odontoid synchondrosis fractures, Neurosurg Focus, 20(2): E7, 2006

14.    McCall T, Fassett DR, Brockmeyer DL: Subaxial Cervical spine trauma in children: A review, Neurosurg Focus, 20(2):E5, 2006

15.    Fassett DR, Politi R, Patel A, Brown Z, Vaccaro AR: Classification systems for acute thoracolumbar trauma, Curr Opin Orthop, 18(3):253-258, 2007

16.    Fassett DR, Csaszar DJ, Albert TJ: Anterior cervical plating update, Curr Opin Orthop, 18(3):282-288, 2007

17.    Finn M, Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: Surgical treatment of nonrheumatoid atlantoaxial degenerative arthritis producing pain and myelopathy, Spine 15:3067-3073 2007

18.    Fassett DR, Jeyamohan S, Harrop J: Asymptomatic cervical stenosis: To operate or not? Semin Spine Surg 19:47-50, 2007

19.    Fassett DR, Harrop JS, Maltenfort M, Jeyamohan SB, Ratliff JD, Anderson DG, Hilibrand AS, Albert TJ, Vaccaro AR, Sharan AD: Mortality of geriatric spinal cord injury, J Neurosurg Spine 7:277-281, 2007

20.    Dasari VR, Veeravalli KK, Saving KL, Gujrati M, Fassett DR, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Rao JS: Neuroprotection by cord blood stem cells against glutamate-induced apoptosis is mediated by Akt pathway. Neurobiol Dis 32:486-498, 2008

21.    Fassett DR. Harrop JS. Vaccaro AR. Evidence on magnetic resonance imaging of Brown-Sequard spinal cord injury suffered indirectly from a gunshot wound, J Neurosurg Spine, 8(3):286-7, 2008

22.    Fassett DR, Dailey AT, Vaccaro AR: Vertebral artery injuries associated with cervical spine injuries: A review of the literature, J Spinal Disord Tech, 21:252-258, 2008

23.    Sayama CM, Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: The utility of MRI in the evaluation of odontoid fractures, J Spinal Disord Tech 21:524-526, 2008

24.    Fassett DR, Apfelaum RI, Hippe JA: Comparison of fusion assessment techniques: computer-assisted versus manual measurements, J Neurosurg Spine 8:544-547, 2008

25.    Finn MA, Fassett DR, McCall TD, Clark R, Dailey AT, Brodke DS: The cervical end of an occipitocervical fusion: a biomechanical evaluation of 3 constructs. Laboratory investigations, J Neurosurg Spine 9:296-300, 2008 [18928228]

26.    Fassett DR, Kurd MF, Vaccaro AR: Biologic solutions for degenerative disk disease, J Spinal Disord Tech, 22:297-308, 2009 [19494751]

27.    Hillard VH, Fassett DR, Finn MA, Apfelbaum RI: Use of allograft bone for posterior C1-2 fusion, J Neurosurg Spine  11:396-401, 2009. [19929334]

28.    Veeravalli KK, Dasari VR, Tsung AJ, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Fassett D, Rao JS: Stem cells downregulate the elevated levels of tissue plasminogen activator in rats after spinal cord injury, Neurochem Res 34:1183-1194, 2009

29.    Veeravalli KK, Dasari VR, Tsung AJ, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Fassett D, Rao JS:  Human umbilical cord blood stem cells upregulate matrix metalloproteinase-2 in rats after spinal cord injury, Neurobiol Dis 36:200-212, 2009

30.    Fassett DR, Rammos SK, Patel P, Parikh H, Couldwell WT: Intracranial subarachnoid hemorrhage resulting from cervical spine dural arteriovenous fistulas: literature review and case presentation, Neurosurg Focus 26:E4 , 2009 [19119890]

31.    Gondi CS, Veeravalli KK, Gorantla B, Dinh DH, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Gujrati M, Rao JS: Human umbilical cord blood stem cells show PDGF-D-dependent glioma cell tropism in vitro and in vivo, Neuro-Oncology  12:453-465, 2010

32.    Chetty C, Lakka SS, Bhoopathi P, Gondi GS, Veeravalli, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor and/or matrix metalloproteinase-9 inhibition induces apoptosis signaling through lipid rafts in glioblastoma xenograft cells, Mol Cancer Ther 9:2605-2617, 2010

33.    Gopinath S, Mella RR, Gondi CS, Alapati K, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS: Co-depletion of cathepsin B and uPAR induces G0/G1 arrest in glioma via FOXA3a mediated p27Kip1 upregulation, PloS One 5(7):e11668, 2010. [20661471]

34.    Veeravalli KK, Chetty C, Ponnala S, Gondi CS, Lakka SS, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS: MMP-9, uPAR and cathepsin B silencing downregulate integrins in human glioma xenograft cells in vitro and in vivo in nude mice, PLoS One Jul 15;5(7):311583, 2010 [20657647]

35.    Dasari VR, Kaur K, Velpula KK, Gujrati M, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Rao JS.  Upregulation of PTEN in glioma cells by cord blood mesenchymal stem cells inhibits migration via downregulation of the PI3K/Akt pathway, PLoS One, Apr 26;5(4):e10350, 2010. [20436671]

36.    Dasari VR, Velpula KK, Kaur K, Fassett D, Klopfenstein JD, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS. Cord blood stem cell-mediated induction of apoptosis in glioma downregulates X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP), PLoS One, Jul 28;5(7):e11813, 2010 [20676365]

37.    Chetty C, Lakka SS, Bhoopathi P, Gondi CS, Veeravalli KK, Fassett D, Klopfenstein, Dinh DH, Gujrati M, Rao JS: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor and/or matrix metalloproteinase-9 inhibition induces apoptosis signaling through lipid rafts in glioblastoma xenograft cells. Mol Cancer Ther 9:2605-2617, 2010. [20716639]

38.    Veeravalli KK, Dasari VR, Fassett D, Dinh DH, Rao JS: Human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells upregulate myelin basic protein in Shiverer mice. Stem Cells Dev  20:881-891, 2011 [20925478]

39.    Kotipatruni RR, Dasari VR, Veeravalli KK, Dinh DH, Fassett D, Rao JS: p53- and Bax-mediated apoptosis in injured rat spinal cord. Neurochem Res 36:2063-2074, 2011. [21748659]

40.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Minimum clinically important difference. Letter to Editor. J Neurosurg: Spine 15:690-691, author reply: 691, 2011 [21961999]

41.    Neils DM, Singanallur PS, Wang H, Tracy P, Klopfenstein J, Dinh D, Elwood PW, Fassett D, McCall T, Lin J, Tsung A: Recurrence-free chronic subdural hematomas: A retrospective analysis of the instillation of tissue plasminogen activator in addition to twist drill or burr hole drainage in the treatment of chronic subdural hematomas. World Neurosurg 78:145-149, 2012 [22120294]

42.    Vachhani JA, Fassett DR: Intramedullary neurenteric cyst associated with a tethered spinal cord: Case report and literature review. Surg Neurol Int doi: 10.4103/2152-7806.98525, 2012. [22937480]

43.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Letter to the Editor: Accessory articulation. J Neurosurg Spine 18(4):418-420, 2013. [PMID: 23394167]

44.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Low-profile pelvic fixation with sacral alar-iliac screws. Acta Neurochir 155(2):293-297, 2013. [PMID: 23180172]

45.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Combined S1-and S2 sacral alar-iliac screws as a salvage technique for pelvic fixation after pseudarthrosis and lumbosacropelvic instability. J Neurosurg Spine 19:321-330, 2013 [23808582]

46.    Salma A, Lin J, Fassett DR: Letters to the editor: Medulloblastoma and the inferior medullar velum. J Neurosurg 119(1):254-255, 2013.  [PMID: 23706050]

47.    Mattei TA, Fassett DR: Letter to the Editor. The O-arm revolution in spine surgery. J Neurosurg: Spine 19(5):644-647, 2013 [PMID: 24053374]

48.    Godil SS, McGirt MJ, Glassman SD, Knightly JJ, Mummaneni PV, Oetting G, Theodore N, Gottfried ON, Khairi S, Schmidt MH, Boakye M, Kalkanis SN, Rabin D, Ryken TC, Balturshot GW, Chadduck J, Fassett, et al: Defining the effectiveness of lumbar spine surgery in a nationwide prospective longitudinal quality of life registry: an analysis of variability in patient-reported outcomes and preliminary predictive models of treatment failure. Neurosurgery 61 Suppl 1: 194-195, 2014

49.    Mattei TA, Rehman AA, Issawi A, Fassett DR: Surgical challenges in the management of cervical kyphotic deformity in patients with severe osteoporosis: an illustrative case of a patient with Hajdu-Cheney syndrome. Eur Spine J 24(12): 2746-2753, 2015 [PMID: 26198704]

50.    MacMahon, P, Kahn, M, Klopfenstein, J, Fassett DR:  Sectioning of C2 nerve roots during C1-C2 fusion: report of aberrant vertebral artery during C2 nerve root sectioning. Illustrative case, Journal of Neurosurgery, in press

51.    Garst, J, Olson, E, Kahn, M, Fassett DR: Temporary Posterior C1-C2 Instrumentation without Fusion for Treatment of Displaced Atlantoaxial Fractures, World Neurosurgery, 2022


Book Chapters

1.    Fassett, DR , Dailey AT: Thoracolumbar Fractures., In: Principles of Neurosurgery, Second Edition, Ellebogen S, Renegachary S (Eds). McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, pp. 381-386, 2005

2.    Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: Posterior C1 and C2 Transarticular Screw Fixation. In: Spinal Instrumentation, Surgical Techniques, First Edition, Kim DH, Vaccaro AR, Fessler RG (Eds). Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 307-314, 2005

3.    Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: Microsurgical C1-2 Stabilization. In: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Mayer HM (Ed), Springer, New York, NY, Chapter 14, pp 118-126, 2005

4.    Fassett DR, Apfelbaum RI: Vocal Cord Paralysis, In: Spine Surgery Complications, First edition, An HS, Jenis LG (Eds), Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, Chapter 4, pp 23-29, 2005

5.    Fassett DR, Brodke DS: Infections of the Spine. In: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Spine 3. Third Edition, Spivak JM, Connolly PJ (Eds), published by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,  Rosemont, IL, Chapter 38, pp 367-376, 2006

6.    Fassett DR, Harrop J: Surgical Treatment of Spinal Injury. In: Imaging of Spinal Trauma. Flanders AE, Schwartz ED (Eds), Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 39-61, 2006

7.    Fassett DR, Brodke DS: Percutaneous Posterior Insertion of Thoracic Pedicle Screws. In: Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, 1st Edition. Vaccaro AR, Bono CM (Eds). Informa Healthcare, New York, NY, Chapter 21, pp. 203-210, 2007

8.    Fassett DR, Brodke DS: Percutaneous Lumbar Pedicle Screws. In: Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, 1st Edition, Vaccaro AR, Bono CM (Eds). Informa Healthcare, New York, NY, Chapter 24, pp. 229-236, 2007

9.    Fassett DR, Harrop K: Klippel-Feil Cervical Segmentation Anomalies. In: Cervical Spine Surgery.  Albert T, Lim M, Lee J (Eds), Theime Medical, New York, February 2008  

10.    Fassett DR, Brockmeyer DL, Apfelbaum RI: Odontoid Fractures in Children and Adults. In: Spine Trauma: Adult and Pediatric. Editors: Kim DH, Ludwig SC, Vaccaro AR, Chang JC (Eds), Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 196-208, 2008

11.    McCall, TD, Fassett DR, Brothers JG, Vaccaro AR: Surgical Complications Related to the Management of Traumatic Spinal Injuries of the Cervical Spine. In: Spine Trauma: Adult and Pediatric, Editors: Kim, Ludwig, Vaccaro, Elsevier Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 256-266, 2008

12.    Kerr SM, Fassett DR, Patel D, Vaccaro AR: Clinical Features of Herniated Nucleus Pulposus. In: Lumbar Intervertebral Disc. Phillips F, Lauryssen C (Eds), Theime Medical Publishers, New York, July 2009

13.    McCall T, Fassett D, Dailey A: Sacral screw fixation. In: Spine Trauma. Surgical Techniques. Patel VV, Burger E, Brown CW (eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 335-340, 2010

14.    McCall T, Fassett D, Parikh H, Vaccaro A: L1 fracture with paraplegia. Prove It! Evidence-Based Analysis of Common Spine Practice. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Case 12, pp. 114-125, 2010

15.    Fassett DR, Brodke DS: Cervical spine kinematics and the biomechanics of the injured cervical spine: cervicothoracic junction (C7-T1). In: Cervical Spine Trauma. Vaccaro, AR (ed). Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solutions, Philadelphia, PA,  Chapter 15, pp. 187-196, 2010

16.    Fassett D, Dailey AT: Anterior cervical instrumentation. Cervical Spine Trauma. Vaccaro, AR (ed). Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solutions, Philadelphia, PA,  Chapter 5C, pp. 73-75, 2010

17.    Tsung AJ, Fassett DR: Emerging rehabilitation strategies for spinal cord injury. In: Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma. Evidence-based Management. Vaccaro AR, Fehlings MG, Dvorak MF (eds), Chapter 54, Thieme, New York, pp. 527-533, 2011

18.    Dasari VR, Veeravalli KK, Rao JS, Fassett  D, Dinh DH: Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for apoptosis after spinal cord injury. In: Advanced Understanding of Neurodegenerative Diseases, (Chang R, Ed). ISBN: 978-953-307-529-7, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/mesenchymal-stem-cell-therapy-for-apoptosis-after-spinal-cord-injury. 2011

19.    Apfelbaum RI, Karanth S, Fassett DR: Posterior cervical laminoforaminotomy In: The Cervical Spine, 5th edition, Benzel EC (ed), Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. In press, September 2012.

20.    Fassett DR, Dailey AT: Anterior Craniocervical Instrumentation. In:Cervical Spine Trauma. 1st Edition, Vaccaro AR, Anderson P (Eds), In Press

21.    Finn M, Fassett, DR, Apfelbaum RI: Management of Odontoid Fractures. In: Atlas of Operative Techniques in Spinal Surgery. Vaccaro A (Ed), Elsevier, St. Louis, In Press

22.    Finn, MA, DR Fassett, AR Vaccaro: Clinical Outcomes Assessment, Nucleus Arthroplasty in Spinal Care, Editors: RJ Davis and FP Girardi, Raymedica LLC, In Press

23.    Finn, MA, J Bessey, DR Fassett: The Use of Luque Segmental Instrumentation in the Traumatically Injured Pediatric Spine In: Spine Trauma: Adult and Pediatric, Editors: Kim, Ludwig, Vaccaro, Elsevier Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, In Press

24.    Fassett DR, Jeyamohan SB, Vaccaro AR:  Advanced Spinal Anatomy for Cervical and Lumbar Non-fusion Surgery, Motion Preservation Surgery of the Spine: Advanced Techniques and Controversies, Yue, Bertagnoli, McAfee, An (eds) Elsevier Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, In Press
25.    Apfelbaum RI, Karanth S, Fassett DR: Posterior cervical laminoforaminotomy In, The Cervical Spine, 5th edition, Benzel EC (ed), Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, In press, 2010

26.    Finn MA, Villar CF, Fassett DR: Odontoid screw fixation. In, Vaccaro AR (ed), Elsevier, In Press, 2016

27.    Karanth S, Fassett DR:  Intra-Operative computerized tomography guided instrumentation for deformity spine. In: (Vaccaro AR, Rothman RH, Albert TJ, eds).  Spine Surgery: Tricks of the Trade. Thieme: New York, pp. 272-274, 2016


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