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17 Results Found

  • Revealing Five Lesser Known Volleyball Related Injuries

    Volleyball related injuries can occur at any level of play and can take many forms. If you’ve been around the game long enough, you’re probably well-aware that volleyball related injuries can range from ankle sprains to finger fractures. Some of the...

  • Five Most Common Rowing Injuries (and How to Prevent Them)

    Rothman Orthopaedic Institute Features Expert Sports Medicine Care for Injured Rowers The full-body exercise that rowing provides is one of its greatest benefits. Rowing tones and strengthens a wide range of muscles and promotes orthopaedic and overall...

  • Safeguards Against Lacrosse Concussion

    Becoming knowledgeable about lacrosse concussions is the first step you need to take to ensure their prevention. To win possession of the ball during a faceoff at the centerline, lacrosse players channel the sum of their force, speed, and power to...

  • Seven Ways to Prevent Softball Pitcher Injuries

    Take measures to keep yourself safe. Softball pitchers have similar injury rates as position players, but the type of injury that pitchers tend to suffer is different. The windmill motion of pitching puts unique demands on the player’s back, neck,...

  • Seven Ways to Prevent Softball Pitcher Injuries

    Take measures to keep yourself safe. Softball pitchers have similar injury rates as position players, but the type of injury that pitchers tend to suffer is different. The windmill motion of pitching puts unique demands on the player’s back, neck,...

  • Where to Find Shoulder Treatment Around Paramus

    Rothman Orthopaedic Institute Care, Now Available in North Jersey! Whether you feel an aching, off-and-on discomfort, or an injury has caused you sharp, intense pain, you probably know how terrible shoulder pain can be. Not knowing what is causing your...

  • What does my knee pain mean?

    The weather is warming up and after a long pandemic winter we are all chomping at the bit to get outside and exercise more. Unfortunately, that also means the possibility of more aches and pains as well. As a hip and knee replacement specialist, one of...

  • Throwing Injuries

    There are some injuries that may occur in a thrower’s shoulder and elbow that simply do not occur in the shoulders and elbows of non-throwers. The constant, repetitive overhead throwing motion imparts high, outward, extension loads to the athlete’s...

  • Avoiding Volleyball Injuries Just Got Easier: A Four Step Guide

    Avoiding volleyball injuries isn’t rocket science. Here are four easy steps! Across the U.S., volleyball is becoming an increasingly popular sport. According to Stop Sports Injuries, almost half of a million student-athletes participate in competitive...

  • Prevent, Identify & Treat Common Volleyball Injuries With These 3 Steps

    Discover three simple tips for addressing the most common volleyball injuries. In this article, we want to outline three important steps for any volleyball player wondering how to address the most common volleyball injuries. Because we believe that...

  • Top Six Most Common Softball Pitching Injuries

    It’s softball season. Are you familiar with the risks of softball activity? Are you aware of the common softball pitching injuries athletes tend to experience? Most softball athletes are familiar with the risk of shoulder injuries from throwing...

  • When to See a Shoulder Specialist in White Plains

    Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late! Learn When to See a Specialist For many people, maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn’t require much effort. If your body is functioning properly, why worry about the possibility of developing health conditions? At...

  • Where to Get Torn ACL Treatment on The Lower East Side

    Choose Rothman Orthopaedic Institute for Torn ACL Treatment Your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of four ligaments that support the knee joint. The ACL provides rotational stability, which is essential for athletes who run, jump, and pivot...

  • Insider’s Guide to Finding a Shoulder Specialist on the Lower East Side

    When experiencing shoulder pain, discomfort, and disruption of daily tasks, who do you turn to? If you’ve been seeking a shoulder specialist on the Lower East Side, but aren’t sure how to begin, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute can help. As world-class...

  • When Is Shoulder Arthroscopy in Bergen County Necessary?

    See a Shoulder Specialist for the Most Effective Treatment Before the use of arthroscopy, a major shoulder injury could ruin an athlete’s career. Now, arthroscopy allows doctors to make highly precise diagnoses and surgically treat shoulder conditions....

  • Most Common Football-Related Shoulder Injuries 

    The high contact involved in football makes it one of the most physically demanding and taxing sports in the US today. The force players endure when being tackled by their opponents makes them prone to injuries at any part of the body. Among these...

  • Hiking 101 from Health Professionals Part 1

    New Jersey is home to some of the most beautiful hiking trails in the world and whether you are a seasoned pro or a first-timer, there are things you must keep in mind while you are out exploring. Read below a few tips from our specialists at Rothman...

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