Degenerative Joint Disease - Hip (Osteoarthritis)

Osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease is the most common type of arthritis that occurs most commonly in hips, knees, ankles, and foot joints. Osteoarthritis is also known as "wear and tear arthritis" since the cartilage simply wears out. When cartilage wears away, bone rubs on bone causing severe pain and disability. The most frequent reason for osteoarthritis is genetic, since the durability of each individual’s cartilage is based on genetics. If your parents have arthritis, you may also be at risk of suffering from degenerative joint disease. 



Pain is the most frequent symptom for patients with osteoarthritis. The pain is usually described as being in the groin or thigh for degenerative joint disease of the hip.  Degenerative joint disease of the knee most often results in pain in the knee joint. The pain is frequently associated with activity and relieved by rest. It may occur at night and, in severe cases, prevent sleep. Patients also complain of stiffness and often limp when they walk.


How can a doctor diagnose osteoarthritis? Doctors diagnose osteoarthritis by speaking with the patient regarding their medical history, physical exam, and x-rays of the affected area.

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