Low Back Pain (Lumbar)

Acute or chronic low back pain is a common symptom that will affect over 80 percent of all adults at some time in their lives. Pain in the low back or lumbar region may be caused by a variety of diseases and disorders. In fact, low back pain is the second most common reason for visits to a primary care physician’s office.

The vertebrae of the lumbar region are responsible for supporting the body’s weight and consequently these vertebrae are bigger than those of the cervical and thoracic area. Large, strong lumbar muscles are attached to the spine at this location.

Common causes of low back pain including injuries to the muscles, ligaments, or discs, degeneration of the discs or facet joints or compression of nerves. To reduce the risk of low back problems, it is important to participate in a daily physical fitness program, maintain good flexibility, maintain good posture and body mechanics, eliminate the use of tobacco and maintain good overall health.

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