General - Running/Pivoting/Jumping Sports Injuries

 A variety of injuries of the knee can occur from pivoting, running, or jumping. A “noncontact” pivoting or cutting injury, whether a pop is felt or heard, is a common cause of ACL tears. This rotational injury of the knee can lead to instability and inhibit the ability to be active in sports (see ACL injuries).  Twisting injuries of the knee can also be associated with meniscus cartilage tears. Symptoms of meniscus tears include swelling, and joint line pain.  Symptomatic meniscus tears are treated surgically by repair or excision of the torn fragment (see meniscus tears).

Common jumping injuries include patella or quadriceps tendon tears as well as other ligament and cartilage tears.  The patella and quadriceps tendons are responsible for extending the knee and are attached to the patella.  A tear of these tendons (patella commonly in those under 40, and quadriceps in those over 40) causes buckling and weakness of the knee when bearing weight. Surgical repair is required and is recommended within a few weeks of the injury.  Repetitive jumping can lead to tendonitis of the patella tendon (tendonitis or jumpers knee).  Treatment involves rest from the aggravating activity in addition to anti-inflammatory medication and rehabilitation.

The majority of non-traumatic (fall or twist) running injuries are muscle strains.  The most common muscle group injured are the hamstrings but other muscle groups such as the quadriceps, calf, or hip flexors can be injured.  Muscles strains may take 1 to 3 weeks for more mild injuries and 3 to 6 weeks to resolve for more significant injuries. Treatment involves rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and rehabilitation.

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