Florida Elbow Institute Physician Education and Mini-Fellowship

At Rothman Orthopaedic Elbow Institute, we are committed to providing comprehensive training and education opportunities for medical professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in elbow related care.


We offer shadowing opportunities for medical professionals interested in gaining hands-on experience and insight into our daily operations and patient care practices. Participants will be able to observe our specialists in action, interact with patients, and learn about the latest advancements in elbow treatment and rehabilitation.

  • A Visiting Observer is a licensed physician or international medical graduate who will be watching patient care and administrative functions for medical or professional education or training. An Observer may not participate directly in any patient care activities. 
  • Visiting Observers to the OR may scrub in but must not provide medical care, examine a patient, or participate in any procedure involving patients.
  • Observers may participate in discussion of patient interactions with the designated supervising physician.
  • Observation periods will be from one day to a month. Requests for more extended periods may be considered on a case-by-case basis.



  • Observers may participate in grand rounds, conferences, and other didactic activities, including cadaver labs.
  • Observers may participate in research meetings and journal clubs.



  • Observers interested in research may be engaged with elbow-related projects, including case reports, writing a protocol, manuscript writing, data analysis, and data collection as appropriate.
  • Observers have the opportunity to work and interact with the research fellows on elbow related projects.




Physician Education and Mini-Fellowship Inquiry Form

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