Hand Fracture Surgery

Some of the more severe hand fractures require surgery to align and stabilize the bones. Those fractures that break through the skin, or are the result of a crushing accident, fall into this category. During the surgical procedure your Rothman orthopaedic surgeon implants screws, wires, or plates into the hand to hold the fracture in place. This is important, for if the bone should happen to rotate during the healing process, then loss of function could result.


After the bone has healed sufficiently, the implants may be removed by the physician. In some cases, the implants are left in the hand. Frequent check-ups with your doctor will ensure that the joint hasn’t tightened during healing. Because of the lengthy immobilization period, there may be some initial joint stiffness in the hand. Your physician may prescribe some exercises to help restore the range of motion and strength necessary in regaining normal function.



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