Amber Sarcone
Mt. Laurel, NJ
Amber’s Specialty: Education
Rebuilt pelvis after failed attempt at another practice
Why did you choose Rothman?
Prior to coming to Rothman, I had my first surgery to replace my pelvis with my fibula bone at another practice. Initially, it was successful, but four months later, I was in a lot of unexplainable pain. I was getting a bunch of tests done with no answers as to why I was feeling so much pain. It totally immobilized me. At that point I knew I had to go to Rothman.
Describe your experience.
My Rothman physician was the only physician who calmed my nerves, listened to my concerns, and provide me with a surgical plan that would put me in the best position to walk again freely. After my past experience with physicians who have denied me help, did not believe that I was in pain, and did not consider my concerns, My Rothman physician was a breath of fresh air. I trusted his plan and felt safe.
What would you recommend to patients considering treatment?
With choosing Rothman, I knew it was 100% the best choice I made. I didn’t feel the need to go anywhere else and nobody was as confident as my Rothman team.
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