In 2021, I was diagnosed with Grade 1 Chondrosarcoma, an extremely rare form of bone cancer, in my pelvis. I also had a Type 1 Hemipelvectomy with vascularized fibular reconstruction. I went on to nonunion and had intra-articular hardware diffuse with synovial fluid and synovitis throughout the docking sites. One fibula bone parallel with the other half that replaced my pelvis was infected and not alive.
I was in extreme pain for over eight months and began seeking out other options for care. I found Dr. Scot Brown, who offered me reconstructive surgery to clean up the mess and help give me a chance to walk again.
In March 2022, Dr. Brown and his surgical team spent 15 hours on the instrumentation of the spine, removal of distal screws previously placed, revascularized the fibula, planting of a metal rod, and performed a total hip replacement. The proximal fibular strut was seen to have been nearly completely eroded by synovitis. Since then, I have been patiently waiting for my fibula bone to heal with 50% weight bearing on crutches.
Finding a doctor with great bedside manner was important to me after my previous experience. I have developed such a positive doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Brown—he has made me feel safe, heard, and cared about for the very first time. His empathy and confidence in himself helped me accept my situation and made my family and I feel more at ease.
Dr. Brown will forever be a part of my family. I have been pain-free and am able to live a more "normal" life since I was diagnosed with cancer because of him. Now, I can work, enjoy a social life, and remain optimistic about my chances of walking on my own.
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