Antje's Rothman Story - Bilateral Hip Replacement
- Antje's Rothman Story - Bilateral Hip Replacement
Antje has been active her entire life. From swimming as a child to practicing yoga as an adult, her wellness is driven by movement. But as arthritis settled in and her hips began to fail, Antje’s activity decreased – along with her spirit. A retired nurse, frustrated with her physical state, Antje recognized it was time to make a move.
On her first trip to Rothman, Antje made it crystal clear as to what she expected, “Full range of motion. Nothing else.” So together with their team, Antje and her doctors mapped out a strategy to replace both of her hips… at the same time. A serious procedure for a seriously determined woman.
A year and a half later, Antje’s livelier than ever: hiking, traveling, bending in ways she never imagined. Actually, it’s probably best for her to just tell you herself.