Carissa's Story - Broken Arm



Carissa Winn



Bridgeport, PA


Carissa’s Specialty: 

Roller Derby


Why did you choose Rothman?

I didn’t know much about Rothman, but when I went there, I noticed that they worked with the Philadelphia Eagles and a lot of big-name athletes. I felt that they would really understand that it was important to me to do everything I had been able to do prior.


Internal Fixation Surgery of the Arm (the surgery included putting a plate and screws on/in each bone. I have a total of 2 plates and 16 screws). In addition, I had a few months of occupational therapy after surgery.

Describe your experience.

My doctor was upfront with me and told me it could take up to a year to fully heal, but it could vary, and if I put in the work that it might heal faster. Rothman made me feel special in that they took the time to ask me what I needed to be able to do to get back to playing the sport that I love. When they gave me the ‘okay’ to start skating again, it was the happiest day of my whole year.

What would you recommend to patients considering treatment?

I would recommend Rothman to anyone who wants more personalized treatment.

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