My name is Carol Ricci and I am a 67 year old Pilates and spin instructor for Inspira Fitness Connection in Vineland, NJ. Dr. Jess Lonner is my physician at Rothman. In May of 2012 I was getting out of my car, my left foot slid on sand and I tore the lateral meniscus and fractured the cartilage in my knee. The pain took my breath away. After having the meniscus repaired in September that year at another facility, I thought I was on the road to recovery. Not so. My knee still ached and was weak four or five months after the surgery. I developed a Baker's Cyst behind the knee. I started to limp and I suffered from back spasms. I was so out of kilter. One of my co-workers coaxed me to get a second opinion at Rothman. At the end of the summer of 2013 I made an appointment with Dr. Lonner at the Washington Township office. After examining me he told that I needed a partial lateral knee replacement as I was bone on bone. I had the surgery on November 18, 2013. By January 4, 2014 I was back teaching my Pilates two times a week. Dr. Lonner put me back together again. I am almost three years past the surgery and I am stronger than ever. I teach spin, intermediate and advanced Pilates, core strength and I attend Body Pump classes weekly. It was the best move I ever made. Thank you Dr. Lonner and Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. Thank goodness for replacement parts.
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