Dagmar Jones
Marlton, NJ
Dagmar’s Specialty:
Why did you choose Rothman?
Overtraining and undereating for a really long time, not recovering enough in addition to running and lifting too much all the while thinking it was just a hip strain and it turned out to be a hip impingement. I was managing fairly ok but then it went from bad to really bad within a month. I spoke with a Rothman physician, who happened to be a member at where I coach, and he got me into his office and surgery within the month.
Describe your experience.
The experience was amazing. Rothman is a well-oiled machine starting from the appointments prior to the surgery—I was in and out of the offices really fast. X-rays, everything was a great experience. I would not go anywhere else. Rothman Orthopaedics took me from a position where I couldn’t do my job to now I can.
What would you recommend to patients considering treatment?
You should go to Rothman because they have the best doctors around—if the Philadelphia Eagles trust them, then so should we.
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