Daniel - Lumbar Microdiscectomy & Peroneal Tendon Repair

I suffered chronic back pain off and on for years until one day I woke up and realized I could not walk. My left side (from my hip down) went completely numb. At the time I was only 32 years old. I will never forget that day and that terrible feeling of helplessness. I immediately turned to the industry leader - Rothman. 

My doctor informed my nerve was already shutting down to protect itself and surgery was my only option if I wanted to return to a normal lifestyle. Unfortunately, my back injury was past the point of injections and physical therapy. Due to the pain, I immediately scheduled surgery. Everything went great with the operation and I was walking without pain that day. It blew me away that all the pain was immediately gone as soon as I woke up from surgery. After surgery, I immediately began working with Rothman's Physical Therapy team to begin strengthening my core. From there, my life drastically changed for the better. After back surgery I was 270+ pounds and I was in desperate need of a lifestyle change in order to give my back some additional relief. After a few months, I was able to return to golf and various other sports that I have always loved (skiing, tennis, golf, etc.). My pain was completely gone, I felt as stronger than I ever have, and I was beginning to lose weight quickly. The happy ending should end there, but unfortunately there is another chapter to this story.....

Late last year, I was golfing and I heard a loud pop mid-swing. I thought it was my back again but after taking a step, my ankle folded. Just like my back injury, I could no longer walk. I was 34 years old and I thought I'm too young for this stuff. It turned out I sprained my ankle mid-golf swing so the doctors knew something else was seriously wrong. I immediately went back to Rothman. The MRI revealed my Peroneal Tendon was dislocated and partially torn. I basically had nothing stabilizing my ankle anymore and if the tendon completely tore I would have much bigger issues, so after the sprain healed, I immediately scheduled another surgery with Rothman. The surgery went extremely well and I've progressed from a scooter, to crutches, to a boot, to a brace. I'm meeting with my doctor in less than two weeks for my 6 month evaluation which I expect will go extremely well due to great progress I've made in PT. 

Before I became a Rothman client, I was overweight and my health was quickly deteriorating. After working with Rothman, I'm happy to say I'm living without pain for the first time in a long while and I'm enjoying sports and life again. Thanks to Rothman, I successfully lost 70+ pounds and for the first time in roughly 20 years I'm under 200 pounds again! I turn 35 in about a month and I couldn’t have wished for a better birthday gift. Thank you Rothman Orthopaedic Institute!! 

I cannot thank Dr. Mark Kurd, Dr. David Pedowitz, the Physical Therapy team, and your entire staff for doing what you every day!

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