I had back pain for quite awhile. At first it was manageable, but it gradually got worse. I had gone from having to sit down frequently while shopping to using a walker and eventually to using a motorized scooter to even go to the grocery store. Someone suggested that I see what the doctors had to say at Rothman. I made an appointment at the King Of Prussia location. The doctor there managed to get me an appointment for an MRI for which my PC had not been able to do. I was called shortly after the results and told I should see Dr. Rihn in Media on August 15th. On August 28th I was scheduled for surgery to correct my spine I had a severe slip. Dr. Rihn was an excellent surgeon and made sure I knew exactly what was going to happen and what it all entailed.
Almost a year to the day after my surgery I went on a mission trip to Swaziland and I was able to walk! I even was able to handle a ride in a pick-up truck on a rutted dirt road and hop out of the truck when we reached our destination.
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