Evelynn "Lynn" S. Caterson
Absecon, NJ
Evelynn’s Specialty:
Non-profit Law
Bacterial Abscess attached to my spine at my neck level
Surgery to remove two destroyed vertebrae, clean out the abscess, put in neck support to replace the two vertebrae, and screw in a plate in front of the neck support to hold in the support.
Why did you choose Rothman?
My physcian was the doctor on call and I was just so very blessed to have him.
Describe your experience.
My Rothman surgeon was absolutely wonderful - skilled surgeon, terrific bedside manner with full explanation, regular checking on me, Rothman staff all knew the situation, and treated me in accordance therewith, no question I had was unanswered. Other doctors evidenced their respect for my physician and treated me for all the subsequent issues as a result of the Bacterial Abscess.
What would you recommend to patients considering treatment?
Rothman at Atlanticare is THE PLACE to go for spinal surgery!!
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