I was born bow-legged and with age and arthritis it became worse and extremely painful. After getting full length X-rays, it was determined I had 19 degree varus. I was unable to walk more than two blocks and unable to participate in activities I enjoy. I had put off surgery for many years but after the pain began affecting my lifestyle, I realized surgery was the best option since injections, medications and physical therapy were unsuccessful. I went into the surgery with positivity and looking forward to resuming activities I enjoy.
One of my fellow physicians had a knee replacement by Dr. Arrojas and was very happy with the results. My nephew trained with Rothman Orthopaedics in Philadelphia and spoke highly of the practice. After meeting with Dr. Arrojas and scheduling the surgery, the excellent care I received started with preop classes online and a care advisor. Dr. Arrojas is personable; he answered all my questions and concerns without feeling rushed. He was available at any time if I needed him. Dr. Arrojas and Aaron, from his team, kept my wife updated throughout the surgery and saw me first thing in the morning, the day after surgery.
I am now six weeks post-op and still in the process of resuming normal activities. At this point, I am able to walk without pain, go shopping, play with my grandchildren and do some outdoor activities with my wife. I would tell patients considering this surgery that it’s important to do the pre-op online class course as it gives you helpful suggestions on how to prepare your home after surgery. It’s also important to go to PT and do home exercises to reap the full benefits of the surgery.
I would like to thank Dr. Arrojas for bringing normalcy back to my life. It amazes me every time still l look down at my leg and see it straight for the first time in my life.