I was in knee pain for over 2 years and being a caregiver to my husband I could not take that pain or surgery that was suggested by another physician not with the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. So I sought out a second opinion that brought me to the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute and met with Dr. Craft, after receiving an appointment with him and going over my x-rays it was suggest that I receive Ortho-Visc injections by the kind physician. After receiving my first injections I was amazed that the pain was lessening, after the third injections I felt far better than I had felt in 2 years. I cannot thank the kind staff enough for the pain free days and living a normal life again. I would and do recommend anyone to go to Rothman Orthopaedic Institute for excellent care and treatment. And as I say the Ortho-Visc Injection is like candy to a baby, thank you for my pain free knees.
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