So glad to be retired - so unhappy to not be able to enjoy life due to a knee that was completely shot! Both cartilages had been removed in the 1970's and I was beyond bone on bone - more like bone IN bone. I was told by an orthopedic surgeon that I would need a replacement. When? When I fell and could no longer get up!
I lived with that for several years - becoming more and more depressed until I took charge of my own health and visited The Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. I don't think I ever remember having a more positive meeting than with Dr. Sharkey!
I explained that I had been a competitive and professional dance roller skater. I brought pictures because I knew that most of the world doesn't realize that we exist! Dr. Sharkey was very impressed! I told him that I had just skated (and won) the Eastern Regional Novice A Team championship and that I needed to make it another month to skate the United States National Championship. I was taped to the hilt with KT Tape and he was shocked that I was even walking - let alone skating!
Dr. Sharkey was in my corner and we scheduled my surgery for immediately after the championship! He shared what I did with all of his staff and they wished me the best of luck as I left.
We skated! We made finals! I had my surgery and was walking the very first day after. No cane, no crutches, no walker! I even did steps. Everyone was quite shocked and, of course, I attributed my success to a great doctor and being a skater certainly helped with being in good condition.
I have remained with The Rothman Orthopaedic Institute for everything else I've encountered and can't think of anyplace I'd rather be!
The attached video was taken 11 months after my total knee replacement! I was 64 years old. Today I am 69 years old and my knee still serves me well on skates!
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