Lily, Staged Bilateral Hip Replacement, Honey Brook, PA

Lily, Staged Bilateral Hip Replacement, Honey Brook, PA

Her orthopaedist had told Lily only that she would be undergoing a procedure. But the form she was being asked to sign said that everything had been explained to her in detail. That’s when Lily decided to find another orthopaedist.

Two years of chronic hip pain. Nine months of chiropractic treatment. One confusing and difficult experience at a local orthopaedic practice. It took a lot to bring Lily to the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. But it took just one appointment to assure her that this time, she’d come to the right place.

Unlike her previous doctor, who had scheduled a procedure with almost no explanation, Lily’s Rothman Physician gave her a thorough and compassionate account of her condition and her options—even scheduling a second appointment on the spot to brief her husband. Next she attended classes at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute Bryn Mawr to prepare for her total hip replacement.

By the time her first procedure was performed, Lily’s only remaining question was, “when should I schedule my second one?” Today, as she enjoys summer afternoons on water skis and restful nights for the first time in years, she urges others not to wait. “There is life beyond all that pain.”

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