My story isn't just about me. In the last two years, I have had two surgeries with Rothman Institute and my two kids, Jessica (19) and Michael (16), have had three between them. I’ve had a very successful rotator cuff repair by Dr. Ramsey in January 2016, along with a Carpel Tunnel procedure by Dr. Liss in December 2016. I had received an opinion from another doctor that may have led me down the wrong path to treat my shoulder. Dr. Ramsey was immediately confident that he could make the repair effectively, and I am happy to say, he was correct.
In November 2016 my daughter and my son both needed an Ulnar Nerve Transposition, each from sports-related injuries. Since I had had such a great experience with Dr. Ramsey, we naturally took them both to see him. As it worked out, he performed basically the same surgery on both kids, back-to-back, on the same day. We were the talk of the surgery center that day, as no one, including Dr. Ramsey, could remember a time where that had ever happened. Jessica's was a complete success and has completely healed. Michael is now back to full activity and beginning to get his arm back in shape to throw again for high school baseball and football.
We are grateful to the Doctors and staff at Rothman and continually recommend them to our friends.
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