Michael - ACL, MCL & Meniscus Surgery - Bridgeton, NJ
- Michael - ACL, MCL & Meniscus Surgery - Bridgeton, NJ
If you have skied for more than 30 years with only a bump here or a bruise there, you are indeed, fortunate. If your luck runs out on the slopes and you suffer a severe orthopedic injury, if you are fortunate, you go to Rothman Orthopaedic Institute for care.
I enjoyed injury-free skiing for more than 30 years until my luck ran out in December 2014 when I tore my ACL, MCL and meniscus in my left knee on a trail I had been on hundreds of times. My immediate response was to contact Rothman and get my life back. I made that call and it made all the difference.
I had the good fortune of having Steven B. Cohen, M.D. as my surgeon during my initial visit to the Rothman site in Sewell, NJ. Dr. Cohen and his capable assistant Linda Varga reviewed my condition. They answered all my questions – I had many – and with no pressure from Dr. Cohen, I decided on reconstructive surgery. We planned surgery for February 2015.
Dr. Cohen explained exactly what was going to happen, how to prepare, what surgery would be like and the time table for my recovery on a month-by-month basis. The operation took place at Riddle Surgical Center. in the frigid pre-dawn hours of February 9. As soon as I got in the doors, I was warmed, literally and figuratively, by the capable members of the Rothman staff and surgical team.
As was the case with all my visits to Rothman, wait time was minimal. I was always seen within minutes of my appointment time. On the morning of surgery, I was admitted and prepped within 15 minutes of arrival. As I waited for Dr. Cohen, I was covered in a warm, soft blanket. It calmed me. It was a feeling of security I will never forget.
Surgery went well, as did my recovery. Minimal pain and I was on my feet and able to get around almost immediately, albeit with the aid of a brace. I returned to work in eight days and began physical therapy at Nova Care in Vineland, also a great experience, within two weeks of surgery.
Day by day, week by week and month by month, my mobility came back. I walk, run, hike, do all the yard work, house chores and home projects I always did, and took for granted until getting injured. I benefitted from Dr. Cohen’s expertise and skill and his clear understanding that I was an active person who wanted to remain active. My surgery and recovery enabled me to get my life back. I had three braces during pre-op, post-surgery and now for skiing – yes skiing – and cut and pivot sports like softball or tennis, etc. All were expertly fitted by Rothman staff and aided the process.
My recovery is almost complete. I walk 2-3 miles daily and run a bit as well. Skiing with my grandkids is the next test, if conditions are ever good enough!
I am fortunate to have chosen Rothman. For getting Dr. Cohen as my surgeon. For Linda and all the dedicated, caring and competent people at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute.
To all of those at Rothman who helped me, thank you for giving me my life back!
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