Michele's Rothman Story - Cervical Spinal Fusion
- Michele's Rothman Story - Cervical Spinal Fusion
Every morning used to be a struggle for Michele. She’d wake up in pain – struggle to get through her day – always assuming this was just soreness she had to deal with her whole life. It never occurred to Michele it could be her spine. That’s when she decided to seek out Rothman.
A Rothman spinal specialist looked at her x-rays, reviewed her MRIs, and decided she needed corrective surgery… a Cervical Spinal Fusion. “Sorry, a Cervical Spinal what?” Michelle asked. The doctor explained the procedure, assuring her it was their best option. Rothman would be with her every step of the way. Their goal – before, during and after – to make Michele comfortable.
When you see Michele now, she’s a whole different woman – working, exercising, completely pain-free. Numbness has turned to sensation. Waking up is no longer a chore. Can life really be better at 40? Michele is living proof.