I shoe horses for a living, which involves a lot of squatting and bending over. I started having pain in my knees years ago, but being self-employed, with few people to take care of my clients, kept me from pursuing surgery. It finally got to the point where surgery was an absolute necessity, as it was extremely difficult to do my job. I was in so much pain at the end of the day that it affected all other activities I enjoy. My wife did a lot of research and found Dr. Purtill at Rothman. He was very honest with us, which we really appreciated. (I was his first horseshoer patient and he wasn't sure how the replacement knees would hold up to the type of work I do). I had both knees replaced the same day, worked very hard in rehab, and returned to work part time in 3 months. By 4 months post-op, I had returned to my normal workload and I haven't looked back. I recently saw Dr. Purtill for a checkup and the knees still look great, over 5 years later!
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