Mitch's Rothman Story - Wrist Fracture Surgery

Mitch's Rothman Story - Wrist Fracture Surgery

Having hands that work is vital to Mitch Miller. A self-employed contractor, who works side-by-side with his son, Mitch relies on his hands for everything. So after a freak rock climbing accident that shattered his wrist, and an ineffective reconstruction soon after, Mitch wondered if his life would ever be the same. That’s when he turned to Rothman.

His most pressing question during his first Rothman appointment was, “Can I go back to climbing and renovating?” to which his doctors replied, “If that’s the goal, that’s what we’re going to shoot for.” Mitch felt comfortable, confident, and optimistic from there on out.

Now, this father-son duo is back in business… and Mitch is climbing higher than ever. Literally.

Watch Mitch's Story

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