Norbert's Story - Posterior Lumbar Decompression with an Interbody Fusion
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- Norbert's Story - Posterior Lumbar Decompression with an Interbody Fusion
Norbert Zastavny
Bucks County, PA
Norbert’s Specialty:
Culinary Arts
Why did you choose Rothman?
I was told by a previous client that worked with Rothman Orthopaedics that if I was even considering back surgery I needed to consult with Rothman Orthopaedics.
Describe your experience.
My experience with Rothman was fantastic. It started as a referral and me checking the website on a Saturday between Christmas and New Years. That Monday someone followed up and called me to answer any questions and fit me in for a consultation with a Rothman physician that week. Then the rest was almost flawless from the receptionist, the visit with the Rothman team was professional and comfortable. All the details pre-surgery, actual surgery and post-surgery went smoothly. Well, the proof is in the pudding and my back is great!
What would you recommend to patients considering treatment?
If you are a patient considering treatment, I would do your due diligence and research the Rothman team of specialists related to your needs. Start with the website to review credentials and locations. This was my beginning and I 100% felt then and now that I made the right decision. Rothman was the correct solution for my situation.
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