Peggy Waddington
Haddonfield, NJ
Being an Eagles Fan
Hip Pain
Hip Replacement
Why did you choose Rothman?
I knew 3 people who had hip replacements at Rothman and all had great results.
Describe your experience.
I spent over a year getting hip injections with an orthopedist for hip pain. I finally decided to go to Rothman for hip replacement surgery and I was so happy to be able to stand up and cheer again for the Eagles.
What would you recommend to patients considering treatment?
If injections are helping, seeing a Rothman surgeon can really help you get your life back without pain!
Marianne Sladzinski
Voorhees, NJ
Being an Eagles Fan
Rheumatoid arthritis, broken wrist
Wrist Brace
Why did you choose Rothman?
I chose Rothman because I was in pain and feeling helpless, I needed expert care.
Describe your experience.
When I broke my wrist, I couldn’t hold food or cheer for my favorite team. After I was treated at Rothman, I was able to get back to going to every Eagles game again and cheer them on!
What would you recommend to patients considering treatment?
After being treated at Rothman I was pain free!
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