Rebecca - Total Shoulder Replacement and Bilateral Knee Replacement
- Rebecca - Total Shoulder Replacement and Bilateral Knee Replacement
My story started back in 1966 when I was hit twice by a drunk driver at a time when seat belts were optional. My head shattered the windshield, my knees smacked the dashboard and my body resulted to tons of bruises, contusions and swelling everywhere. Fast forward to age 47 and being diagnosed by Dr. Hozack with really back arthritis of both knees. With his help through injections and a custom brace I was able to wait to age 55 for bilateral knee replacement. With the help of a trainer instead of just swimming I was able to use many machines in the gym and go on to play racketball.
January of 2016 after a arthroscopic surgery of my left shoulder and two years of Orthovisc injections I finally saw Dr. Luke Austin to put into place my plans for a shoulder replacement. He was able to alleviate my fears of losing movement and rotation in the shoulder. He spent the time to listen to me and answer so many questions. Jan. 4, 2017 I went in to Cherry Hill Kennedy Hospital's new surgical operating room for the replacement. Just amazing staff. First a shoulder block put into place. And then Dr. Austin and Connor did the surgery in just one hour. I was out of the hospital in about 36 hours. Amazing staff!
Saw Connor two weeks later and I could drive. Wow. Recovery was a breeze. So easy. Off pain meds in under a week except at night. It wasn't that long before I could return to the pool to swim and run in the water. I was amazed that I could do a complete free style and back stroke with full rotation. I feel fabulous!!!!!!! I am thrilled I took the time to find Dr. Austin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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