I am writing this as a family member and caregiver. My husband was injured at work in 2009. After many surgeries, by another physician and several failed spinal fusions, we were referred to Rothman Orthopaedic Institute by workmen's comp.
His condition at that time was getting worse. He was unable to sit at all for 2 years. He could only stand on his feet for minutes at a time. He had to be transported by ambulance to all doctor appointments.
Of course he was home bound and I had to leave work to care for him. Dr. Vaccaro gave us hope. After several surgeries, Robert is now able to sit! He can walk! We are beginning to see some hope for a future!
I cannot tell you how grateful we are. Dr Vaccaro is a miracle worker. His staff is awesome. Mila his assistant is wonderful. She has answered and taking care of all of our questions and requests. We could not be happier. Jefferson University Hospital was the best hospital we have ever had contact with. Robert's care was exceptional. Every single hospital employee that walked into his room was there to help with a smile. What was most impressive to me was how Robert's care was coordinated. They worked as a team to get him back on his feet.
Robert has a long road ahead of him, but he is in the best hands and we have total faith in Rothman. Thanks to all!!
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