Way back in 2004, My husband & I were on the Yangtse River cruise. I knew then, that I would eventually need a right hip replacement. It was just beginning to bother me. At my dinner table, sat two Orthopedic Surgeons. One had his knee done, one had his hip replaced. I asked the surgeon with the new hip, who did it? He told me his office was in Florida, but he contacted his Orthopedic Colleagues, all advised, you must use Dr. Hozack from the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute.
On a napkin, I wrote down Dr Hozack's name.
Six years. later, in 2010, I went to see Dr. Hozack. I asked: am I ready for surgery? His reponse was no. I promptly challenged him with: how do you know that? And his answer was: you asked me. When people are ready, they TELL me. So I left.
Two years later, my limp was very pronounced. I never really had pain. I just hated the fact that I appeared like an invalid due to the limp, and everyone asked me if I needed help. I am very independent, and I hated that image of myself. Made another appointment with Dr. Hozack and this time TOLD him, I'm ready for surgery. Best decision I ever made! I was restored to the self-sufficient, independent woman I am. Hooray!
My left hip had arthritis but never gave me a problem until 2015 and I started having pain and limited mobility. This hip presented very different than the right one. Bad limp, lots of pain, restricted my activities severely. In May 2016, made my appointment, told Dr. Hozack I was hiking in Greenland in August 2016, would I be ready after surgery scheduled for June 13 was completed. He said, no problem, you will be ready. And he was right. I chose to stay one night at Jefferson, returned home, no re-hab, just walked and did my normal stuff. By August 13, I left for Greenland and the Canadian Arctic. Walked, hiked, climbed everywhere. Into Zodiacs and out of Zodiacs and thanked Dr. Hozack and the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute every day of my fabulous Greenland trip.
I have been restored to my self-sufficient, independent self, thanks to Dr. Hozack, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, and Jefferson Hospital. I am 76, have been a widow since 2006, so my independence is extremely important to me.
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