Sharon - ACL Repair, Lumbar Fusion, Harrington Rod Placement
- Sharon - ACL Repair, Lumbar Fusion, Harrington Rod Placement
Since childhood I have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. Over the years I have undergone several procedures including 2 ribs removed to correct scoliosis, have a harrington rod in my back, had ACL and miniscus tear repair and most recently a lumbar fusion. Each time the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute team has done a fabulous job and gotten me back in my feet and back to wellness. I have the utmost faith that Dr. Vaccarro and all of the other top notch surgeons can help to keep me functioning and moving even better than before. From bicycling, to running, to tennis and boot camp... they help me to get back to it all. My sincere "thanks" to everyone there!
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