I'm a lifelong endurance sports junkie and former soccer player. A married father of two and grandfather of three, I'm also a veteran of 26 marathons and 12 ironman triathlons. Additionally, I've endured 54 rounds of chemotherapy over an 11 year period since being diagnosed with a chronic form of leukemia. I'm also a triathlon coach for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training program. In May, Dr. Kevin Freedman repaired two complex meniscus tears of my left knee. Getting back in the training saddle again with minimal interruption was important to me. And that's exactly why I called on Dr. Freedman, since he had performed the exact same procedure in 2009 on my other knee. I'm happy to report that surgery went extremely well. As was physical therapy with therapist Lou Tomasetti. I was back to full strength and going full bore before I knew it. Thanks Rothman.
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