In the spring of 2014, just after finishing a round of golf, I picked up my bag and felt a "catch" in my knee. By the time I got home, I could not straighten my leg, and there was quite a bit of swelling. My PCP sent me to a local orthopedic surgeon who diagnosed an OCD lesion, via MRI. He recommended a total knee replacement.
Since I was an active 55 year old, I wanted to see if there was an alternative to that radical course. A friend recommended Dr. Donald Mazur.
Dr. Mazur performed a arthroscopic bone graft to repair the lesion.
I've since returned to all my former athletic pursuits, including weekly basketball games, and in May of this year, I complete my first Tough Mudder. Not bad for a 59 year old. I could not have the quality of life I enjoy now if I had undergone that knee replacement.
Rothman and Dr Mazur kept me in the game.
I've included some pics from the Tough Mudder. You'll see a patella tendon brace. That transient tendonitis predates the OCD lesion and the surgery
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