Vandergrift Boys' Story - ACL Repair
- Vandergrift Boys' Story - ACL Repair
From oldest to youngest: Mike, Ray, Kevin, Jack, Ryan
Jenkintown, PA
- Mike: Spiral fracture to the fibula
- Ray: Left clavicle fracture
- Kevin: full meniscus tear, partial cartilage tear, ACL tear
- Jack: ACL tear & lateral meniscus tear
- Ryan: lateral meniscus tear
- Mike: Ankle plate & screws
- Ray: Ankle plate & screws, clavicle plate & screws
- Kevin: ACL repair, MCL repair, and meniscus repair.
- Jack: ACL repair, MCL repair, and meniscus repair.
- Ryan: ACL repair, MCL repair, and meniscus repair.
Why did you choose Rothman?
Our first experience with Rothman was during Ray’s college lacrosse career at Saint Joe’s. He broke his collarbone and was introduced to Rothman through SJU’s partnership with them. Overall, among Rothman’s reputation, they are very patient-centered- offering unique tailored treatments which are really geared towards setting and meeting goals. They also offer a wide array of comprehensive services and have experts for each of these services which made it an easy decision for our family when it came to other injuries.
Describe your experience as a family:
It wasn’t in any way a cookie-cutter experience, where one size fits all. Rothman did a great job. Smooth surgeries, smooth rehab. To go from your darkest point and not being able to do anything on your own to having the ability to run around, play sports, and do something that is such a big part of your life is hard to explain in words. Rothman allowed us to get that back.
What would you recommend to patients considering treatment?
There is no way you can go wrong and you are in the best of hands. It has given our family the best experience with every injury, and that’s a lot of injuries. They always exceed expectations. You really feel like you are being taken care of by someone who considers you a friend and not just a patient. From all of the relationships we’ve built over the last 7-8 years it’s the best part about Rothman.
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