A-Rod will miss first half of season due to hip surgery

Christopher C. Dodson, MD December 4th, 2012

Yankee fans may still be in shock after learning that their star third baseman Alex Rodgiguez will require surgery on his left hip for a torn labrum. It is estimated that he will require 4 to 6 months of rehabilitation after surgery before he can play. Rodriguez is no stranger to hip surgery-the Yankees slugger had surgery on his right hip back in 2009 for the same problem. Labral tears in the hip are becoming more common and can occur in isolation or more commonly are associated with a process called femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) where bony changes of the hip joint itself are associated with the labral tear. The surgery is performed arthroscopically and the results are very promising. In 2009, Rodriguez made a complete recovery from his hip surgery and went on to help the Yankess win the World Series. Do you think he can do it again?

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