The Advantages of Anterior Hip Replacement

April 8th, 2015

 Have you or someone you love suffered from ongoing hip pain, due to arthritis or other painful conditions? Have you tried to manage the pain and stiffness but still find it to be interfering with your day to day activities and your overall quality of life? If so, it may be time to talk with your doctor about the advantages of anterior hip replacement. At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, we perform thousands of hip replacement surgeries each year, giving our surgeons the level of specialized experience you can trust.

What is Anterior Hip Replacement?
When your hip joint becomes too painful or too immobilized to do its job, an artificial hip can take its place. This prosthesis can be implanted after the injured elements of the joint are removed, effectively recreating the normal function of the hip. The new hip is then able to provide the support and mobility you need without the previous pain or stiffness.
Anterior hip replacement refers to a particular approach to putting in a hip replacement. Instead of replacing the hip through the back, the incision is made in the front. This alternate approach comes with many advantages for the patients.
What Are The Advantages?
There are a number of advantages that come with the anterior hip replacement approach. These include:
Smaller chance of the hip dislocating. With the traditional posterior approach method of replacement, patients have had to worry about their hip coming out of the socket during certain bending movements; the anterior approach is more stable.
No restrictions after replacement. Traditional hip replacement also included a number of restrictions for patients’ movement, in order to prevent the hip from dislocating. After recovering from an anterior hip replacement, patients do not have such restrictions.
Swifter recovery. With an anterior hip, many patients can walk with their full weight on their new hip on the same day of their surgery, and most return home the next day. Such a swift recovery means that you get to return to your daily life more quickly.
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute
At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, our experienced hip surgeons perform thousands of hip replacements each year, incorporating the latest methods and technology. This level of experience helps to ensure the greatest possible outcome for you or your loved one.
For more information about anterior hip replacement, contact us today at 1-800-321-9999.
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