Arthritis Hip Becoming a Problem?

Mitchell K. Freedman, DO June 5th, 2015

You probably didn’t realize how much you depend upon your hip until the arthritis began. Arthritis hip pain is a common condition as you get older, and has more than 500 forms. Gradual “wear and tear” produces the inflammation, which is the root cause of the pain and swelling in your body. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is also called degenerative joint disease.  

Osteoarthritis: What is it?
When inflammation and injury cause cartilage tissue to break down, you experience swelling, pain, and possibly deformity. Why?
The process has to do with the function of cartilage tissue. Cartilage tissue is a material protecting the bone on joints. Quite simply, it´s a shock absorber made up of water and proteins.   Because of its flexible nature, it can change shape when it is compressed, allowing you to carry out weight-bearing exercises including walking, jumping, running, etc. Osteoarthritis occurs over the course of years, as cartilage slowly wears down under the pressure of normal weight-bearing activities. Cartilage does not replace itself. For this reason, arthritis hip pain especially (since hips are one of the biggest weight-bearers in the body) is a common condition in older people. 
Symptoms of Arthritis Hip
Symptoms of arthritis may be diffuse throughout the body. Primarily, the hip will feel painful and often stiff. But you may also experience loss of appetite, fatigue, and fever. The arthritis hip can be experienced in the following ways:  
  • Aching in the buttocks, outer thigh, and groin

  • Increased stiffness with intense activity

  • Pain that is severe enough to cause limping
Pain that is worse in the morning or when you've been still for a long time

How will I be diagnosed? 
Your medical history should be available to your doctor making the diagnosis. This medical history can take the form of question and answer between yourself and your doctor, and this includes general questions about how you feel when experiencing symptoms.  Your doctor will examine your hip joint to verify whether it is painful with motion and whether or not the motion is limited. They will also observe your walking pattern to see if your hip pain affects your ability to walk.
Who can I talk to? 
Rothman Orthopaedic Institute is here to help you if you suspect osteoarthritis. One of our specialties is arthritis hip and have helped hundreds of patients identify, treat, and learn to live with the condition. If you would like to make an appointment to see one of our doctors, please call us at 1-800-321-9999. 

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