Answers To Common Questions About Cartilage Injuries In Cape May

October 27th, 2015


If you or someone you love has experienced a cartilage injury in Cape May , you probably have a number of questions about your prognosis and treatment options. At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, we spend a lot of time answering similar questions about

cartilage injuries in Cape May, where we provide specialized treatments to patients like you. We have compiled a list of the top questions and answers about cartilage injuries in Cape May.


    How Do Cartilage Injuries Happen? There are a number of different ways that cartilage injuries can occur. It can be worn away through the normal wear of daily use, or it can be injured in an accident or fall. Cartilage can even be affected and worn down by certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

  1. Can This Injury Heal On Its Own? Most cartilage injuries cannot heal on their own. Because cartilage is made of a slowly reproducing cell, it does not heal well if left untreated. In fact, without proper intervention, untreated cartilage injuries may continue to get worse.


  1. What Are The Symptoms Of Cartilage Injuries? If you have experienced a cartilage injury, you will probably begin to notice pain in your joint. Swelling may also develop, either chronically or immediately, depending upon the nature of the injury.


  1. What Are My Treatment Options? There are a number of treatment options available for cartilage injuries in Cape May. In cases where the injury is minimal, it can simply be smoothed arthroscopically. In other situations, a cartilage transplant may be a viable option. A procedure called Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation may also be used to grow new cartilage cells in a lab to replace those in the damaged area. In the most extreme cases, in which the cartilage is severely injured or almost completely worn away, joint replacement procedures may be considered.   

Where Can I Find Treatment For Cartilage Injuries In Cape May?  If you or someone you love has experienced a cartilage injury in the Cape May  area, expert help is available in your neighborhood. At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, you will find a team of specialists able to provide the highest level of care, whether your cartilage injury is the result of a sudden accident or a lifetime of wear and tear. For more information, or to make an appointment, contact us today at 1.800.321.9999.  


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