Treatment For Cartilage Injuries in Lehigh Valley

May 11th, 2015

 Have you or has someone you love experienced cartilage injuries in Lehigh Valley? If so, it is important that you take the next step in seeking out diagnosis and treatment options. Although a small part of your overall anatomy, cartilage plays an important role in supporting and stabilizing healthy joint movement. Take the first step toward treatment by getting the answers about diagnosis and treatment options from the orthopaedic experts at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute today.  

Understanding Your Cartilage Injury
Cartilage can be injured in a number of ways, either through the “wear and tear” of regular use or through the trauma of a one time incident such as a fall or accident. Common symptoms of cartilage injuries include pain and swelling in your joint. If the cartilage has been injured over time, you may notice that the swelling is a chronic symptom. In certain cases where a piece of the cartilage has broken off and is floating around in the joint, you might experience a catching or locking sensation as well.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to talk with a doctor as soon as possible for a diagnosis that can lead to the best possible treatment. Typically, your doctor will begin with a physical examination of the joint and will also likely order an MRI scan which can show the extent of the cartilage injury.  An x-ray may be taken to assess whether or not there are any associated bone injuries. 
Treatment For Cartilage Injuries In Lehigh Valley 
Unfortunately, cartilage cannot heal on its own due to lack of blood supply so when injured it almost always requires medical treatment. There are a number of excellent treatment options available for cartilage injuries in Lehigh Valley. Arthroscopy may be used to smooth the injured cartilage and any scar tissue which may have developed. More severe cases may require a cartilage transplant which replaces the insured tissue. 
In some cases where the cartilage has detached from the bone, the broken piece of cartilage can actually be put back into place. However, this is usually only possible if the patient is seen soon after injury. So, if you have experienced an accident or fall which you believe has injured the cartilage in a joint, it is important to contact a doctor as soon as possible. 
For the best possible treatment for cartilage injuries in Lehigh Valley, contact Rothman Orthopaedic Institute today at 1.800.321.9999.
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