Dwight Howard's shoulder keeps him out of the game

Christopher C. Dodson, MD February 6th, 2013

 The Los Angeles Lakers Center Dwight Howard has been missing in action on the court lately. Howard is recovering from a partially torn labrum in his right shoulder, which  is a ring of cartilage that attaches to the glenoid (the socket of the shoulder). The labrum helps to stabilize the ball-and-socket joint (shoulder joint) and serves as an attachment site for ligaments around the shoulder as well as the biceps tendon.The labrum can be injured either by overuse or through a single traumatic event.

Symtpoms of a labral tear include clicking or popping of the shoulder with movement, pain with certain activities, and a sense of instability or a 'loose shoulder". Many labral tears do not require surgery; however, in patients who have persistent symptoms despite more conservative treatments, surgery may be necessary. As of now, Howard is reportedly resting his shoulder to avoid more serious injury and surgery.

For more information about the treatment of a labral tear, contact a physician at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute or visit rothmanortho.com 

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