Discover the Latest Hip Joint Pain Treatment Options

April 28th, 2015

 In the past, if you or a loved one experienced pain in the hip joint due to injury, arthritis, or another condition, there weren’t as many options as there are today. In all likelihood, discomfort would continue alongside limitations to mobility. Now, however, there are a number of promising hip joint pain treatment options available. Thanks to the research and development of orthopaedic specialists like those at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, hip joint pain is not something you have to live with forever. Discover the treatments available and begin a conversation with your doctor about which one may be right for you.

Early Hip Joint Pain Treatment Options
In some cases of pain in the hip joint, early detection can make a big difference, such as in the case of arthritis. When the condition is detected before too much cartilage has degenerated, more conservative hip joint pain treatment options may be successful. These options might include weight loss, changes to your typical activity, or anti inflammatory medication. The goals of these treatments are to prevent further damage to the cartilage and to reduce pain and swelling.
Surgical Hip Treatments
In more advanced cases, a surgical route may be used for hip joint pain treatment. One example of this is hip arthroscopy, which is a unique, minimally invasive outpatient technique that uses fiber-optic cameras and small instruments to treat painful conditions. It promotes a quicker recovery period and also has the benefits of less scarring and the hope for a return to pre-injury activity levels.
If the hip joint has worn to the point where it can no longer perform its normal functions, total hip replacement may also be a good treatment option. In this procedure, an artificial hip made of metal, ceramic and plastic can replace the worn out or damaged joint. Both total hip replacement and hip arthroscopy work towards the goals of reducing joint pain and improving stability and mobility.
Continuing Research at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute
At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, we are dedicated to continuing to research and develop the latest treatment options for patients like you who experience hip joint pain. As international leaders in orthopaedics, we play a well-recognized role in both researching new techniques and teaching them to the orthopaedic specialists of tomorrow.
When you contact us for hip joint pain treatment, you can have confidence that you will be treated by a orthopaedic expert who has specialized in diagnosis and treatment of the hip. To make an appointment, contact us today at 1-800-321-9999.
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