Hip Treatment Options for Two Common Hip Conditions

Your body’s hips are ball-in-socket joints that allow you to change direction, bend, and rotate - all while supporting the body’s weight. The bones involved include the femur (ball) and the pelvis (socket). A layer of soft tissue called cartilage covers the ball at the top of the femur and lines the socket, so that when the joint is healthy, its movement can be smooth and painless.

We count on our hips to help us perform everyday activities. Consider the number of times each day that you take steps, get up and down out of a chair, or bend at the waist. Healthy hips are required for all of these normal functions, and so many more. When the health of the bones or cartilage of the hip joint are compromised, the results are usually:
  • persistent pain, sometimes even while resting

  • stiffness and immobility

1. Common Hip Problem #1: Arthritis
Arthritis, which is most often caused by the gradual degeneration of cartilage, is characterized by inflammation, swelling, stiffness and pain. This condition affects the body’s joints and in patients who have arthritis in their hips, the pain can be debilitating without the proper hip treatment.
Osteoarthritis is also referred to as “wear and tear” arthritis. It affects nearly 30 million Americans most over the age of 50 and often impacts the hips. If you or a loved one is suffering from severe hip pain, know that you are not alone.
The bad news about osteoarthritis: The gradual wearing away of healthy cartilage only gets worse with time and there is no cure.
The good news about osteoarthritis: At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, a variety of hip treatments are available to help patients maintain a high quality of life in spite of degenerative joint disease.
At Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, you’ll be seen by internationally recognized physicians who are experts in the hip subspeciality. As leaders in clinical research and treatment innovation, we strive to deliver a standard of professionalism that is only matched by our commitment to providing the most personal patient care available. 

Hip Treatment Options for Arthritis:

  • Nonoperative Hip Treatment: Effective in the early stages of arthritis, these types of treatment approaches include weight loss, activity modification, anti-inflammatory medication or cortisone injections.

  • Total Hip Replacement: This surgical procedure involves implanting an artificial hip made of metal and plastic. The prosthesis literally replaces the hip that has been damaged by osteoarthritis.

Common Hip Problem #2: Bursitis
Hip movement is achieved through the use of healthy tendons, muscles and bursae. Hip bursitis affects the jelly-like sac that exists between the bone and tissue. The bursae function to prevent friction between the muscles and hip. One symptom is hip tenderness and inflammation that is centralized in the outside of the hip.
Bursitis is common, although some risk factors affect its development. Inflammation can be aggravated by repetitive stress to the bursae. Individuals with leg-length inequality are at a higher risk, as well as those who have weathered a former hip injury, spine disease, or rheumatoid arthritis. The presence of bone spurs near the bursae also increases the possibility of bursitis.
Hip Treatment Option for Bursitis
  • Bursitis Treatment: For hip treatment, physical therapy, activity modification, utilization of a cane and possible steroid injections may be all you need to prompt relief. Surgical removal is rarely necessary.
If you believe that you could benefit from one of the above mentioned hip treatment options, then call today to set up an appointment with a qualified orthopedic specialist at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. We have 20 convenient locations and the region’s best team of orthopaedic specialists available for you! We’re looking forward to helping you reduce pain and regain mobility in your hips. Call us today at 1-800-321-9999.

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