Is Exercising on Vacation Necessary?

June 21st, 2011

While summer vacations are typically consumed by recreational events, relaxation and rest, some people worry about breaking away from their daily exercise regime.

"Certain people don't want to take a week or two off from working out while they are on vacation," says Michael Ciccotti, M.D., a sports medicine surgeon at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. "If that's the case, it is important to be smart about it."

Dr. Ciccotti says that many vacation activities people participate in often burn calories. He offers vacationers these workouts that can be done without going to a gym or fitness center:

  • Walking on the beach for short periods of time, with shoes, is a good calorie burner. Avoid running, which can cause injury.
  • Beach volleyball can burn up to 150 calories every hour.
  • Surfing, swimming and snorkeling are leisurely activities that can be as mild or intense as one wishes, but will still help tone muscles.
  • Scenic bike rides are a low-intensity workout that will burn calories without overworking the body.
  • A more strenuous and enjoyable activity is hiking, which can be an intense cardiovascular workout.
  • While golfing, walk the course rather than drive around in a cart to get an all-day cardiovascular workout.

Dr. Ciccotti says that people shouldn't feel like they have to work out while on vacation.

"If you exercise regularly, you won't lose all the hard work you've put into your body in a week or two," he says.

"Remember that a vacation is a time to rest, relax and take a break from your daily life."

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