Answers To Your FAQs About Non-Operative Meniscal Tear Treatment in New Jersey

August 31st, 2015

If you have experienced a knee injury involving a meniscal tear, you probably have a lot of questions about your condition, treatment, and recovery. What is a meniscal tear? Are there options for

non-operative meniscal tear treatment in New Jersey?  When would I need to consider meniscal tear surgery? At

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, we want to help answer all of your questions about this condition, so that you will feel empowered and supported as you take the necessary steps toward treatment and recovery.


What Is A Meniscal Tear?

The meniscus is a small piece of fibrocartilage that plays an important role in the support and health of your knee joints. Not only does it act to stabilize and absorb shock in the joint during movement, but it also protects and nourishes the other joint cartilage to prevent the early onset of arthritis. Meniscal tears can occur during a twisting-type force or fall, while others may simply occur when getting up from a squatting position.

The initial tear will often involve a popping or tearing sensation in the knee, followed soon by pain and swelling. When this occurs, it is important to contact a doctor right away.


Are There Options For For Non-Operative Meniscal Tear Treatment In New Jersey?

There are a number of options for non-operative meniscal tear treatments in New Jersey. Initially after the injury, a combination of icing, resting, and medication can often be effective to reduce pain and swelling. For some relatively inactive patients, their meniscal tears will become asymptomatic and they will not require further treatment. In some young patients who have experienced minor tears, the tear may heal on its own over time.

For most patients, however, symptoms do not go away completely and they may worsen over time. Most meniscal tears do not heal on their own. Further treatments, which can include physical therapy, must be individualized according to each patient’s symptoms and activity level.


When Would I Need To Consider Meniscal Tear Surgery?

If your symptoms continue to worsen after you and your doctor have tried more conservative non-operative meniscal tear treatment in New Jersey, he or she may recommend considering meniscal tear surgery. This option is most common for younger, athletic patients who are used to a high level of activity. If your doctor believes this is the most promising option for you, he or she will explain the various surgical treatment options available and which one may be best for your condition.



For more information, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today at 1.800.321.9999.
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