The World of a Phillies Doctor: Hip, Knee & Shoulder Injuries
Dr. Ciccotti’s day in the training room with the Phillies is very similar to his days seeing his patients at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute in many ways. It begins with a firm handshake and a warm hello. It progresses to a discussion of what is wrong. And then the patient gets on the exam table, and Dr. Ciccotti goes to work.
The exam is tailored to the affected area. The first player has some hip and knee issues. Dr. Ciccotti runs him through a variety of movements flexing, stretching, twisting… then confers with the assembled trainers.
The procession of player-patients continues non-stop. It is thorough, efficient and business-like but with a warm, friendly tone, just like in his offices at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute. And just like at the Rothman Orthopaedic Institute, there are a many patients. The exam table doesn’t even have a chance to get warm let alone cold before another young man “steps to the plate.”
One young farm hand with shoulder injuries is discussing his pain and the hardships of doing day-to-day, non-baseball activities. Dr. Ciccotti tells him not to worry.
“Everyone with a shoulder injury has trouble sleeping. It is very normal.”
With his mind put at ease, the young man shuffles off in his socks and sandals, the official footwear of the players when not in cleats, out the door to complete the rest of his day.
The players keep coming… with their scars and their tattoos. Each one telling Dr. Ciccotti his issues and going through the exam as the training staff looks on, taking mental notes.
Shoulder Injuries | Shoulder Injury