Heal Your Heels: Find Physicians for Heel Spurs in South Jersey

January 11th, 2016


Crippling heel pain can really get in the way of your day to day activities, and can come on surprisingly quick. One minute you’re walking out your front door, and with the next step, a sharp, unexpected pain in your heel may present. This stabbing pain, known as plantar fasciitis, can lead to bony calcified growths called heel spurs, which can make walking painful and difficult. If you’ve been suffering from foot heel pain for more than two weeks, you should see a doctor for treatment right away to prevent complications. Fortunately, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute has

physicians for heel spurs in South Jersey and throughout the tri-state area who are available to talk to you about diagnosis and treatment for your foot pain.


The Difference Between Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spurs


There are two major sources of heel pain for most people: plantar fasciitis, and heel spurs. Both are the result of overuse of the feet, often while running or jumping. Ill fitting or unsupportive footwear can also contribute to pain in the heels. Those with flat feet, meaning that they lack an arch in the bottom of the foot, are at higher risk of developing these conditions. While plantar fasciitis, left untreated, will lead to heel spurs in many patients, there are some differences between the two conditions.


Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is strip of tissue connecting the bones of your toes with your heel bone on the bottom of your foot. This tissue can become inflamed and painful, which feels like a stabbing pain in the heel, particularly one that starts when you are beginning to walk after resting, but goes away as you remain on your feet. Your doctor will likely do a physical examination of your foot to diagnose this condition, and may send you for an x-ray to rule out heel spurs. Typically, plantar fasciitis is treated with rest, heel pads, or arch supports, and sometimes special stretches and physical therapy.


Heel spurs happen when plantar fasciitis is not treated in a timely manner, and are bony calcified growths in the heel. The symptoms of heel spurs are the same as those of plantar fasciitis. Heel spurs are diagnosed via examinations and x-rays of the foot. In the past, heel spurs were often removed surgically, however modern medical advances have shown that most cases of heel spurs can be treated effectively with more conservative approaches. Now, physicians for heel spurs in South Jersey and throughout our region generally prescribe the same treatments as those for plantar fasciitis. Rarely, in severe or complicated situations a doctor may recommend surgical treatment, but this is very uncommon. Rest, ice, arch supports, and physical therapy are sufficient to resolve the vast majority of cases of heel spurs.


Finding Physicians for Heel Spurs in South Jersey

If you have been suffering from heel pain, it is important to seek treatment in order to alleviate symptoms and resume your usual activities. If you are searching for experienced physicians for heel spurs in South Jersey or the surrounding area, you can rest assured that the experienced orthopaedists at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute have the expertise and compassion to help you determine a course of treatment that’s right for you. To set up an appointment with a Rothman Orthopaedic Institute doctor to discuss your foot pain,
contact us at 1-800-321-9999.


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