Do Your Research on Total Knee Replacement In Philadelphia

June 3rd, 2014

 Do Your Research on Total Knee Replacement In Philadelphia

Whether you’re just starting to explore the possibility of total knee replacement or you are already decided on it, it’s important to do your research and know exactly what the procedure is and how it will benefit your body. You may find, like many others who have had a total knee replacement in Philadelphia, that joint replacement is the best possible solution for your pain problem.
All About Total Knee Replacement
Advancements in techniques and instruments have vastly improved since this particular surgery was first performed in 1968. Over half of a million knee replacements are done each year in the U.S. and patients across the country and the world are realizing the benefits of life-changing surgery, which is now considered to be one of the most successful procedures in all of medicine!
The actual procedure involves removing the damaged cartilage from the ends of the bones and adding the prosthesis parts to restore to smooth movement and pain-free function of the knee joint. This surgery will allow the patient to return to a normal, active lifestyle because it will eliminate the constant pain of bone-on-bone interaction in the joint. For years, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute’s patients have undergone total knee replacement in Philadelphia with great success.
You may be wondering, “How do I know if I need knee replacement?” If that’s the case, utilize this helpful checklist below that may point you in the right direction. However, the best way to determine if you need total knee replacement in Philadelphia, is to call Rothman Orthopaedic Institute today to set up an appointment with one of our world-renowned physicians.
You may need a knee replacement, if you answer “yes” to the follow questions:
  • Are your daily activities impaired by knee pain?
  • Do you have trouble walking, getting up from a sitting position or climbing stairs?
  • Does knee pain wake you up during the night?
  • Have you noticed that your knee seems chronically swollen?
  • Is your knee deformed from years of severe arthritis?


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