total knee replacement procedure in Trenton

Improving Outcomes for a Total Knee Replacement Procedure in Trenton

Arjun Saxena, MD, MBA December 6th, 2017

Learn how to enhance the success of knee replacement procedures.

Total knee replacement is an orthopaedic procedure that is used to replace the damaged or worn surfaces of the knee (usually due to osteoarthritis) to decrease pain and restore mobility for patients. The procedure has a very high success rate, but with the help of the patient, recovery times can be even further diminished. If you or someone you love is facing a total knee replacement procedure in Trenton, Rothman Orthopaedic Institute can help you get a head start on your recovery before the procedure even takes place. Check out these tips for a quick and successful total knee replacement recovery.

1. Build A Support Team.
The support of family and friends can be one of the best indicators of total knee replacement procedure patients’ success rates and recovery times because:

  • A support team helps reduce the time required to recuperate in the hospital as well as the likelihood of a rehab program entry request.

  • Peers hold you accountable and help you achieve pre-procedure goals like keeping up with daily exercises, quitting smoking, or losing weight.

  • Having a peer group to cheer you on keeps you motivated and focused.

  • Connecting with other knee replacement recipients can encourage you to follow suit and maintain optimism for your own outcomes.


2. Improve Your Nutritional Intake.
The healthier you are going into your total knee replacement procedure in Trenton, the faster your body can heal and recover. Following a balanced meal plan— complete with plenty of fluids, protein, and produce— will help you to:

  • Promote proper tissue healing and restore muscle strength

  • Manage chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes

  • Decrease body mass index (BMI), a measure of body fat based on weight in relation to height

  • Malnutrition (common in people with obesity as well as those who are on low-calorie diets), which can lead to poor wound healing/infection.


3. Eliminate Risky Behaviors.
To maximize the chances of success for your total knee replacement procedure in Trenton, it’s important to control what you can and eliminate unhealthy or risky behaviors such as:

  • Smoking — Smoking is associated with complications

  • Lose Excess Weight — Losing weight before surgery improves recovery time and lessens the stress applied onto your new knee.

4. Prepare Your Home For Your Recovery
When you arrive home from the hospital, your movements will be limited and you may need help performing some of your daily tasks. You want your home environment to be ready for your post-procedure limitations and needs. You can help to ensure that by:

  • Pre-ordering and testing walking aids— Make sure your mobility equipment will arrive before surgery day. Being able to test drive your preferred assisted walker is ideal.

  • Clearing high-traffic pathways– Remove furniture that may get in your way and other trip hazards.

  • Creating a stairless living space— You won’t be able to go up and down stairs during the beginning of your recovery.

  • Installing an elevated toilet seat— this will relieve stress on your knees.

  • Asking for help— Reach out to friends and family ahead of time for help with tasks you won’t be able to do during your recovery— like mowing the lawn.

With a little preparation and commitment, patients can help to improve the outcomes of a total knee replacement procedure in Trenton, creating a positive, empowering process toward improved health and increased quality of living. If you have more questions or are experiencing unexplained pain or weakness in your knee, your first step should be to consult your physician right away. For more information on how to optimize your total knee replacement experience, visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999.

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